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أذكـــــــار الصبـــــاح والمســــــاء ... |
Posted by: masriahmuslimah - 09-26-2003, 12:26 AM - Forum: منتدى المقالات باللغة العربية
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
( أذكار الصباح والمساء )
أفضل أوقاتها ما بين صلاة الفجر و الشرق ، وما بين صلاة العصر والغروب ..
1) يا حي يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث ، أصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين . (وصية الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم لفاطمة)
2) سمع سامع بحمد الله وحسن بلائه علينا ، ربنا صاحبنا وأفضل علينا عائذا بالله من النار. (رواه مسلم).
3) أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق.( 3مرات) ( رواه مسلم و الترمذي واحمد وابن ماجه) .
4) رضيت بالله ربا وبالإسلام دينا وبمحمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم) نبيا و رسولا. (3 مرات) (رواه مسلم و الترمذي و أبو داود والنسائي واحمد وابن ماجه) .
5) بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شئ في الأرض و لا في السماء وهو السميع العليم. (3 مرات) ( رواه الترمذي وأبو داود واحمد وابن ماجه) .
6) سبحان الله وبحمده ، عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه و مداد كلماته. (3 مرات) (رواه مسلم و الترمذي واحمد و أبو داود والنسائي) .
7) حسبي الله لا اله إلا هو عليه توكلت وهو رب العرش العظيم. (7 مرات) (رواه أبو داود) .
8) أصبحت (أمسيت) أثني عليك حمدا وأشهد أن لا اله إلا الله. (3مرات) (رواه النسائي) .
9) أصبحنا (أمسينا) على فطرة الإسلام وعلى كلمة الإخلاص ، وعلى دين نبينا محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم)، وعلى ملة أبينا إبراهيم حنيفا مسلما وما كان من المشركين. (رواه النسائي واحمد).
10)آية الكرسي . (رواه البخاري) .
11)( سورة الإخلاص) ، ( سورة الفلق ) ، ( سورة الناس ) ، (كل منها 3 مرات) ( رواه أبو داود) .
12)لا اله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شئ قدير.(10 مرات او اكثر) (رواه البخاري).
13)الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم) ( رواه البخاري ومسلم و الترمذي).
14)اللهم أنت ربي لا اله إلا أنت ، خلقتني و أنا عبدك ، وان على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت ، أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت ، أبوء لك بنعمتك على و أبوء لك بذنبي فاغفر لي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت. ( رواه البخاري و أبو داود و النسائي) . وهو سيد الاستغفار .
15)أستغفر الله وأتوب إليه . (سبعين مرة أو اكثر) (البخاري).
16)اللهم بك أصبحنا وبك أمسينا و بك نحيا و بك نموت وإليك النشور ، و إذا أمسى : اللهم بك أمسينا و بك أصبحنا و بك نحيا و بك نموت و إليك المصير. ( رواه أبو داود)
17) اللهم فاطر السماوات والأرض ، عالم الغيب و الشهادة، لا اله إلا أنت، رب كل شئ و مليكه ، أعوذ بك من شر الشيطان وشركه، و أن اقترف على نفسي سوء أو اجره إلى مسلم. (رواه الترمذي)
18) اللهم إني أسألك العافية في الدنيا و الآخرة ،اللهم اني أسألك العفو و العافية في ديني و دنياي و أهلي و مالي، اللهم استر عوراتي و آمن روعاتي، اللهم احفظني من بين يدي ومن خلفي وعن يميني و عن شمالي ومن فوقي و أعوذ بعظمتك أن اغتال من تحتي. (رواه أبو داود ).
19) أصبحنا و أصبح (أمسينا و أمسى) الملك لله و الحمدلله لا اله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك و له الحمد وهو على كل شئ قدير.(رواه مسلم)
هذه بعض من أذكار الصباح و المساء تم نقــلها وانتقـائها لكم من مطوية ومن كتاب ورد اليوم و الليلة ، تأليف : خالد الجريسي .. جزا ه الله عنا خير ..
نسأل الله الفائدة للجميع ..
حافظوا على هذه الأذكار يحفظكم الله بإذنه تعالى .. والله المستعان ..
وساهموا في نشرها بارك الله فيكم ..
اللهم آتــنـا في الدنيا حسنة و في الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذاب النار .. اللهم آمين ..
Good News about Amina Lawal |
Posted by: Guest - 09-25-2003, 07:25 PM - Forum: Discussion of Beliefs
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The decision today by the Sharia Court of Appeal of Katsina State, in northern Nigeria to quash Amina Lawal's sentence to death by stoning handed down by a Sharia court at Bakori, in Katsina State on 22 March 2002.
According to her defence lawyer, Amina Lawal was freed on the grounds that neither the conviction nor the confession were legally valid. Therefore no offence as such was established.
Now I wonder if they will give her the 80 lashes.
On a rainy day !!!!! |
Posted by: masriahmuslimah - 09-25-2003, 04:50 AM - Forum: Woman and family
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This is a story that one of my best friends wrote about what some teenage gurls pass through. She mashallah wrote it in a very simple way that will make u cry. She asked me 2 post it here on this website b/c she wants 2 know what ppl think of her writing. I hope that we can all support her b/c she is on of our sister's. Thanx. Hope u like it.
Salam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sally Samy
Once on a rainy day, a little child was watching it rain. Her thoughts became a distortion of wonder and confusion. “Come on girl get inside, it’s raining why are you out side? C’mon get it in now” says a voice from the far end of the room. Turning her head around, the innocent child says “but mother, how come the sun is still out while its raining? I’ve never seen this before.”
“Oh child when will you grow up, c’mon get it.”…
When Eelaf reached middle school, she saw things that she had never seen before. Girls here age were maturing psychically and emotionally. She began to see the lustful attraction between pre-teens her age. She thought she could be one of them, but she wasn’t. Instead, she was still trying to understand how the sun on that rainy day was out when it rained. No one ever told her why, not her science teacher, not even her own mother.
Now that gorgeous Eelaf is in high school, she felt like she achieved a lot of things. One of them was being sixteen. She did everything she could to try to honor her parents. “Mom…isn’t it time to start talking about my college plans? The years are coming by so fast. It almost seemed like yesterday that I was a freshman in high school wandering between the hallways of school.”
The mother is completely aghast at her daughter’s words, she responds “Eelaf, what are you talking about? Besides you’re still young to talk about college, you have two more years to go. I want to see you with straight A’s for now, I want to show these neighbors that you are smart.”
Today is Eelaf’s Eighteenth birthday. She had grown into a beautiful young lady with an attractive stare. She received gifts from all her friends. Her mom’s gifts were incredible; they included anything from leather shoes to fanciest clothes. From expensive jewelry to fashionable hats.
Eelaf walks into her room seeing al these things without knowing where her mom was. Finally her mom appears behind her and says “well happy birthday Eelaf, it’s time for you to act like a grown young lady. It’s time for you to be mature, you’re 18.
Now I brought you all these things hoping you would like them. I’m going to the mall, come with me. I’m waiting for you outside. Hurry up, you should have more sense of time now that you’re 18.”
Eelaf with a soft young lady’s voice says “but mom, wait..that’s not what I wanted.”
Her mom with an indulging smile says “what else could you possible want? A car? Here we go again.”
“No mom!.” Says Eelaf “that’s not what I wanted all these years. All I wanted mama was a warm hug from you.”
by= Ibtihal Ahmed
Vegetables and fruit |
Posted by: Muslimah - 09-24-2003, 08:47 AM - Forum: Learning Arabic
- Replies (9)
as salam alykom
In this message we will include some vegetables and fruit:
طماطم = tamatem = tomatoe
بصلة = basalah = one onion
بصل = basal = onions
ثوم = thaowm = garlic
باذنجان = badhenjan = egg plant
فاصوليا خضراء = fasoliyah khadra-a = green peas
بازلاء = bazela-a = peas
بامية = bamiyah – okra
كوسة = kosah = squash or zuccini (did I spell this one right??)
فول = foul = fava beans
خيار = kheiyar = cucumber
خس = khas = lettuce
برتقال = bortoqal = orange
موز = maowz = banana
تفاح = tofah = apple
مشمش = meshmesh = apricot
خوخ = khokh = peaches
عنب = a`anab = grapes
Can Islam co exist with non Muslims |
Posted by: Guest - 09-23-2003, 10:52 PM - Forum: Discussion of Beliefs
- Replies (63)
I don't know an Arabic greeting but here is a Scottish one, "Hello there !"
OK, now I don't have the time to read the Qu'ran in it's entirety so maybe you could help me out here. It's not laziness, it's lack of time with a bit of laziness too
I seem to see a lot of "evidence" in the Qu'ran than would indicate that Islam is THE only religion, period, end of story. Any non Muslims are worth less than a muslim, basically is the message I am picking up here. However, moderate muslims say they can quite happily co exist with other religions. I take that with a pinch of salt because I have yet to see 2 religions live completely at peace with one another, Protestant, Catholic in the case of Scotland/Ireland although in Ireland it is a more geo political stance rather than a religous stance. And the Muslims themselves seem a bit ambivalent about this also, Sunni's v Shiites etc.
But my question would be, is the Qu'ran basically a manifesto for world domination ?
And if true, just how committed are Muslims to the manifesto ?
Am I missing something ?
Would this be an extremists view of Islam ?
Regards, HabibHibee !
Means and Advices for Women to Benefit From the Summer Vacation |
Posted by: masriahmuslimah - 09-23-2003, 01:49 PM - Forum: Woman and family
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Written By: Shiekh Ibraheem Dawesh
Translated By: IslamWay Sisters Team
Woman is man’s counterpart, and his partner in life. In her haven, future men and good families grow…for every woman; daughter, sister and mother, I present these advices…
1. In every city, there are centers for quran inculcation during the summer. Dear sister, we urge you to participate in these centers.
Every mother and father should let their daughters go to these centers. We also ask you our sister, to guide and encourage your sisters to go to these centers to invest their time in the summer, or at least to meet other sisters who cooperate in doing good deeds.
2. During the summer vacation, there are a lot of weddings, occasions and meetings, where a large number of women gather. If we added the hours wasted in these meetings, we would find that about half of the summer vacation is wasted in doing almost nothing. Why don’t you use these occasions and meetings in listening to some lectures and lessons…? And why don’t you be the speaker yourself ? If you can’t do it, you can invite another sister who is a lecturer or ask the da’wa center in your city to find a lecturer for you.
Why do some women think that the da’wa activities are just for men and men only..! Why do they think that, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong is men’s job!!! In these weddings and occasions you might see tens of bad deeds, and wrong things like lewd singing, indecent clothes, photography, or any wrong thing, and in spite of that you don’t do anything about it, and you don’t say a word! A secret advice from you to one of the women who is doing a wrong thing, will give you a great reward from Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala …why do you deprive yourself from this great reward! Unfortunately, ignoring wrong things, as a complement, is the incurable ailment, that most of the women have these days. Listen to this verse and try to understand it; so that you know that it is your duty as it is men ‘s duty, Almighty Allah says:
“The Believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise Allah hath promised to Believers - men and women - Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah: that is the supreme felicity.” (Al-Tawba, 9:71)
You are obligated as any man to do these things…so what will you say to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala when he asks you, why didn’t you do anything about the wrong deeds that you have seen? Every Muslim woman believes in doing good deeds, and loves to see them spread among her sisters…and I’m asking you… How do you think good deeds would spread among women, when you didn’t do anything to help that happen? How do you think good things would spread among women when there are those girls who spread bad novels and films among their friends in every occasion, and in the same time the pious woman is shy to distribute some religious guides or recorded lectures, and she might not even think about doing that… These occasions are great chances to educate our sisters how to invest their time in a good way.
Dear sister, we ask you to make da’wa to Allah, your ultimate goal and to take the mission of spreading good things among women, especially in the private occasions.
3. We hope that the mosques and the quraan inculcation centers arrange special courses for women, discussing the issues that concern them, such as:Menses and postpartum rules, divorce, treating your husband, raising kids, woman’s attitude towards Muslim issues. These courses should include special contests for women, summarizing some important books and researches, charity food, and anything related to women, in the way that they would benefit from it and make the best use of their time.
4. For every woman, we urge you to attend the symposiums held in your city, and listen to the lectures to benefit from them, and if you couldn’t attend all the lectures, you should at least choose some of them.
5. You should also encourage your sisters to attend these symposiums, and call them repeatedly to urge them to do that. Women waste a lot of time doing phone calls, Why don’t you make this time worthy, and use it to guide to good deeds. Even if you were not able to participate in these symposiums yourself, you will get the reward for guiding your sisters and encouraging them to do so.
Advices for Children to Benefit from the Summer Vacation |
Posted by: masriahmuslimah - 09-23-2003, 01:44 PM - Forum: Woman and family
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Written By: Shiekh Ibraheem Dawesh
Translated By: IslamWay Sisters Team
Parents should urge their children to memorize quraan during the summer vacation and encourage them by all means, even by giving them a monetary reward for every chapter of the quraan or hadith memorized!. and of course there is a great reward from Allah for doing that.
1. During the summer vacation, our children's time is wasted in doing nothing, and we don't usually give them enough attention in this part of the year.
Most of the parents think that they have fulfilled their duty towards their kids, just by going on a trip with them. They never think about arranging a special program for this trip, like arranging some contests, and games, or helping them to practice any other activity.
It will be better If every family gathered the kids in some place, where the grownups share in watching and guiding them to do these things. It won't cost them anything if they cooperated and shared these times with their kids. Kids shouldn't be left alone without anyone to watch for them. And it will be much better, if all the parents in the same neighborhood arrange a certain program for their kids in any close park or lounge, where they can hire someone to look after the kids. These kinds of arrangements will sure protect the children from being out in the streets, and is the best way to benefit from their leisure time.
2. Unfortunately some youth never think about advising their own families and relatives, or guiding them to the good deeds! it will be a very good thing, if every young man or girl, gather his or her family and relatives in any place, a lounge or a summer camp, for several nights or even for one night, and arrange some programs, contests and games, through which he can give the advice, or distribute recorded lectures or articles.
Many people have already tried doing this and it was a great benefit for every one. Try doing that, and it will give you many rewards inshaa Allah, for reaching the next of kin, spreading good deeds, and da'wa to Almighty Allah
Prophetic Medicine: An Old Prescription for a New Era |
Posted by: masriahmuslimah - 09-23-2003, 01:42 PM - Forum: Woman and family
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By Dr. Hossam Arafa
Most Commonly Documented Prophetic Remedies
Henna (scientifically known as lawsonia inermis) has been well known for a long time in the Muslim world. It is extensively grown in India and Sudan, and is used mainly for cosmetic purposes
. The plant is sometimes called the "Magic Plant" because it has a great healing effect, contains many healing substances like tannine and other glue-like substances, and it has an anti-microbial and an anti-viral effect. It is natural, inexpensive, and has no known sides effects when taken orally. Indications for its use are as follows:
Burns: It is very effective when applied to a first or second degree burn. It:
-reduces pain.
-reduces fluid loss from the burn site, which is important if the area is large.
-has an anti-microbial effect, and so reduces the risk of infection.
-sticks on the wound site until healing is complete.
-is easy to apply either in paste or powder form.
-is inexpensive and easily available.
Healing Properties: Henna promotes wound healing, especially chronic wounds and ulcers. The main cause of this is not known, but it may be its nourishing effect on the wound and its anti-microbial properties.
Anti-Hemorrhage Effect: Henna has proven to be efficient in the management of nose bleeding (epistaxis), providing a long-lasting cure. One dose is generally sufficient. It is more successful than cauterization, which normally has to be repeated and cannot guarantee that there will not be a recurrence of bleeding. The only side effect of henna here is that it can cause slight sneezing. Henna can be used at other sites like a bleeding duodenal ulcer or oesophageal varicose veins, with no known side effects. Its anti-bleeding effect may be due to its coagulation or local burning properties.
Anti-Viral Effect: Henna has an anti-viral effect. This is evident in its treatment of warts (particularly those that are resistant to liquid nitrogen treatment), Herpes Simplex (applied as a powder, it dries the vesicles at the site, prevents ulceration and crust formation, and prevents secondary infection). This benefit of henna is very promising, and should be explored further. It can also be used to treat AIDS.
Onion seed or hibat al-barakah (Nigella sativa)
This plant is found throughout India in the form of bushes, with blue flowers, that reach a height of approximately half a meter. It originally came from Turkey and Italy, and was brought to India by physicians to be cultivated. The seeds are black and triangular in shape, have a strong pungent smell, and contain a considerable amount of oil.
It is incorrect that Arabs learnt about its benefits from Greeks because, before the advent of Islam, there is no record of its use. Its therapeutic use was initiated after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned its efficacy and its potential to cure. Abu Hurayrah states, "I have heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death."
Khalid Ibn Sa`ad states that he was traveling with Ghalib Ibn Jabr when he (Ghalib) fell ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew of Ayesha) came to meet us. On seeing the distressed one, he took five or seven black seeds, ground them, mixed them in olive oil and dropped them into both his (Ghalib's) nostrils. Ghalib Ibn Jabr became healthy with this treatment.
Ayesha told us that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that there is cure in black seeds for all ailments except sam. I asked him, "What is sam?" He said, "Death."
Chemical Composition: The seeds contain 1.5 % volatile oil and 37.5 % non-volatile oil. In addition to this albumen, sugar, organic acids, glucoside, melanthin, metarbin and bitter substances are also found. The glucoside is toxic in nature; hence its in large doses and for a prolonged period may be harmful.
Its therapeutic uses are as follows:
-Zahbi stated that it removes the obstruction of any part of the body, expels the gases and strengthens the stomach.
-It is emmenagogue, lactogogue and a diuretic.
-It is an anti-helminthic, if taken with vinegar and useful with chronic colds.
-Its inhalation is beneficial in the treatment of common colds.
-Its oil is effective with alopecia (hair loss).
-Half a teaspoon, if boiled in water, is helpful for asthma and alleviates the toxic effects of bee and wasp stings.
-Continuous use of the seeds is effective for mad dog bites.
-Paralysis, facial palsy, migraine, amnesia and palpitations are also ailments which benefit from it.
-It can also be used as an expectorant and antipyretic.
-It normalizes the secretions of the stomach and pancreas. This is very effective in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.
-It expels stones in the kidney and bladder if taken with honey.
-It is effective in jaundice when taken with milk.
-Its powder, when taken with water, is good for hemorrhoids.
-If black seeds are boiled in vinegar and then applied to the teeth and gums, it reduces inflammation and pain of the gums.
-It is also reported that its fine powder is effective if applied in the early stages of cataracts.
-Black seed is also used for skin disorders.
-The oil is also effective in earache.
The olive, a sign of peace and friendship throughout the world, is described in the Holy Qur'an in Surat At-Teen.
Found extensively in Asia minor, Palestine, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, North Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, the state of California in America, Mexico, Peru and southern Australia, the olive plant stretches up to three meters in height. Its leaves are bright green and very attractive; and its fruits are bright bluish or violet in color. Although olives consumed straight from the plant are very nutritious, they are not usually eaten due to their metallic taste. A pickled version is consumed largely in Europe. Olives are preserved in vinegar and imported from Spain, Italy, France, Turkey and Greece, and are favored in Europe and Arab countries. Olive oil is a good preservative for other foods such as sardines and other fish.
The use of olives goes back to ancient times. Vessels full of olive oil have been found, among other articles, during the excavation of ancient Egyptian graves. According to the scholars of Hadith, when the Great Flood subsided, the first thing to be seen on the earth was an olive tree.
According to Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, Sayyid Al-Ansari narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, "Eat olive oil and massage it over your bodies since it is a holy (mubarak) tree."
According to Ibn Al-Juzi, Zanbi, Alqama Ibn Amir narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, "There is olive oil for you; eat it, massage it over your body, since it is effective for hemorrhoids." Basoor reported that Aqba Ibn Amir narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) stated, "You have the olive oil from this Holy (mubarak) tree; treat yourself with this, since it cures the anal fissure." Abu Na'im reported that Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) stated, "Eat the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in it, [and] one of them is leprosy."
Olive oil has a place in pharmacology in the U.S.A. and Britain. Both of these countries have attributed prime importance to olive oil in the treatment of various ailments, and have fixed standard parameters to evaluate its purity.
It contains palmatic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, steanic acid, myristic acid and glycerides. In this case, it is not dissolved in water but in alcohol, ether, chloroform and liquid paraffin.
The adulterant very often used in the olive oils found on the market is the seeds of the tea plant, arachis oil. Sometimes machine gun oil and refined machine oil are also found in it.
According to Ibn Al-Qayyim, the red colored oil is better than the blackish one. Its therapeutic uses are:
-It gives exuberance to the facial complexion.
-Prevention against poisons.
-Regulates the digestive process.
-Expels intestinal parasites.
-A good tonic, making the hair healthy, shiny and makes it stronger. Adds luster.
-A massage of olive oil with ordinary salt over the gums is a remedy for several diseases of the gums and teeth.
-Local application of olive oil or the water extracted from the crushed olive oil leaves is effective on boils, rashes and itching.
-Chronic ulcers and boils, which are difficult to heal, are healed with olive oil when applied locally.
-According to Zahbi, it strengthens the hair and body; hence can be used as a good tonic and for delaying the aging process.
-It helps raise a low libido.
-A combination of normal saline and olive oil is highly effective in burns.
-A soak of olive leaves in water is effective against mouth and lip ulcers, and dermatitis due to allergies.
-The concentrated watery solution of the extract of olive leaves and fruits is very effective against dental cavities and leukoplaquea in the mouth.
-This solution is applied along with vinegar for alopecia to enhance hair growth.
-It is also stated that the local application of this extract removes the scars of small pox and boils.
-Ground olive seeds mixed with butter is effective on brittle nails.
-Pickles prepared from olives are a good appetizer, and stop constipation.
-Its crushed leaves can be applied locally to check excessive perspiration.
-The water extracted from the leaves along with honey is used for ear drops and is effective in various ear ailments. The oil procured by burning the wood of the olive branch is effective against all fungal infections, e.g., ringworm, tenia, versicolor in addition to eczema, psoriasis, dandruff and alopecia.
-Applying olive oil on the scalp is highly effective against dandruff.
-It causes hair growth and reduces hair loss. The application of olive oil in the eyes relieves inflammation.
-A massage of olive oil all over the body tones up the muscles and organs, and relieves muscular pain.
-Some physicians also advocate a massage of olive oil for epilepsy.
-It relieves the sciatica and arthritis.
Ointment prepared from olive oil has very good healing agents:
-It heals the sinuses and fistuli very quickly.
-If taken internally, 25ml of olive oil mixed with 250ml of barley water is highly effective against chronic constipation.
-It is a good diuretic; hence is used in ascites.
-It removes kidney stones.
-In view of the research carried out in the U.S. and Britain, one concludes that it is good nourishment, particularly for kidney ailments where an intake of nitrogen containing protein is contraindicated.
-We mentioned already that the Prophet (pbuh) stated that it is a good remedy for anal fissure. Hence, patients were advised to take two spoonfuls of olive oil at bedtime and an ointment was applied on the fissure locally before sleeping and in the morning. The ointment is prepared from eight spoonfuls of olive oil and two spoonfuls of ground henna leaves.
-Its combination with other prescribed drugs of Prophetic Medicine is a good remedy for psoriasis and eczema.
-The impressions of several doctors practicing in Middle East and North Africa reveal that gastro-intestinal cancer is not detected among those who are used to consuming olive oil. Japanese doctors also endorse this, and have the opinion that olive oil prevents the incidence of cancer in the gastro-intestinal tract.
Siwak and Dental Hygiene
A variety of oral hygiene measures have been performed since the dawn of time. This has been verified by various excavations throughout the world where toothpicks, chew-sticks, twigs, linen strips, birds' feathers, animal bones and porcupine quills were recovered.
Those that originated from plants, although primitive, represent a transitional step towards the modern toothbrush. About 17 different plants have be used as natural instruments of oral hygiene.
The most widely used twig since early times is the Siwak or Miswak. The stick is obtained from a plant called salvadore persica that grows around Makkah and in the Middle East in general. Although there is no reference to the use of the siwak in the Qur'an, there are several hadith mentioning the benefits of siwak in maintaining oral hygiene; hence, it has been used widely among Muslims since the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In this respect, our Prophet (pbuh) can be considered among the first dental instructors of proper oral hygiene.
Composition: Salvadora persica is a small tree or shrub with a crooked trunk that is seldom more than one foot in diameter. It has scabrous and cracked bark, and is whitish with pendulous branches. The root bark is light brown and the inner surfaces are white. It has an odorlike cress, and its taste is warm and pungent.
To ascertain its chemical composition, the air-dried stem bark of salvadora persica was extracted with 80% alcohol and then ether, and underwent exhaustive chemical procedures which indicated that it is composed of trim ethylamine, an alkaloid which may be salvadorine, chlorides, high amounts of fluoride and silica, sulfur, Vitamin C and small quantities of tannins, saponins, fiavenoids andsterols.
Repeated use of siwak during the day produces an unusually high level of oral cleanliness. It has been proven that plaque is formed immediately after eating. After 24 hours, it starts to act on the teeth. However, it can be eliminated through meticulous tooth-brushing.
Proper oral hygiene should be taught by dentists, but it requires a person's time and dexterity. Among those Muslims who ritually practice the use of siwak, rigid oral hygiene by a dentist may not be required.
Siwak and other twigs can be effective in removing soft oral deposits. They can even be promoted as effective instruments in oral health and dental programs for the population at large.
There is evidence that salvadora persica contains antibacterial properties. Some other components are astringents, detergents and abrasives. These properties encourage some toothpaste laboratories (Beckenham, UK, Sarakan Ltd.) to incorporate powdered stems and/or root material of salvadora persica in their products. Although commercial powders may be highly efficient in plaque removal, their use has been shown in a survey to cause a high incidence of gingivitis. Plaque eradication is essential, but it should not be in a manner that creates negative side effects for other tissues.
In conclusion, siwak and powdered siwak are excellent tools for oral cleanliness. They are highly recommended in preventive dental health programs in Muslim countries. Recommendations should be made to manufacturers of toothpaste to include the powdered form of siwak in an abrasive form of toothpaste.
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