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المنجد فى أبواب الأجر وكفارات الخطايا |
Posted by: Muslimah - 07-23-2003, 11:06 AM - Forum: منتدى المقالات باللغة العربية
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
إن شاء الله سنقوم تباعا بنشر محتويات هذا الكتيب وهو جمع واعداد
عبد الرحمن الجامع
نفعنا الله واياكم به
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد للله عظيم المنة ناصر الدين بأهل السنة، والصلاة والسلام على أفضل خلق الله، سيدنا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا.
يقول الحافظ ابن رجب يرحمه الله فى مقدمة كتابه: "التخويف من النار"، مبينا سبب تأليفه للكتاب: "ليكون بمشيئة الله قامعا للنفوس عن غيها وفسادها، وباعثا لها عل المسارعة إلى فلاحها ورشادها، إن النفوس ولا سيما فى هذه الأزمان قد غلب عليها الكسل، والتوانى، واسترسلت فى شهواتها، وأهوائها، وتمنت على الله الأمانى. والأمانى لا يذهبها من القلوب إلا أحد أمرين: إما خوف مزعج محرق، أو شوق مبهج مقلق"
ومن هذا الباب- باب الشوق المبهج المقلق – أعددنا لك أخى المسلم الحبيب هذا الكتيب اللطيف الذى اشتمل على مجموعة مختارة من أحاديث المصطفى، (صلى الله عليه وسلم) الصحيحة الدالة على أبواب الأجر والأعمال الصالحة وفضائلها، لتنهض من غفلتك وتنفض غبار الكسل والتوانى عنك، وتحث الخطى نحو رضى الرحمن فتنال محبته وتفوز بجنته.
واشتملت هذه الأحاديث – كذلك على كفارات الخطايا التى يمحو بها الله الذنوب، ليعلم أن الله رءوف رحيم، يحب أن يغفر ذنوب عباده المقصرين، فيفتح لهم أبواب رحمته، ومغفرتهن ويجعل لهم ألف طريق، وطريق للتوبة ميسر سهل علهم يعودون ويؤوبون.
فهيا أخى المسلم – وفقك الله – للعلم والعمل الصالح، علك تكون من الذين يظلهم الله فى ظله، يوم لا ظل إلا ظله. هناك حيث الأحبة محمدا وصحبه.
وقبل أن نتركك مع أبواب الخير، نفيدك أن هذه الأحاديث جمعت من: صحيح البخارى، وصحيح مسلم، إضافة إلى صحيح ابن ماجه، والترمذى، والنسائى، وأبى داود، والترغيب والترهيب، وصحيح الجامع الصغير، بتحقيق الشيخ الألبانى يحفظه الله، واستفدنا من كتاب العمل الصالح جمع الأخ عبد الوهاب العثمان، وكذلك كتاب الأعمال للضياء المقدسى، بتحقيق غسان هرماس، جزاهم الله خيرا، ولم يكن قصدنا الإحالة والتخريج، وإنما أردنا إعلامك أن الأحاديث صحيحة إن شاء الله هذا وأسأل الله الكريم رب العرش العظيم، أن يغفر لى ولكل من كانت له يد خير فى إخراج هذا العمل، وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين.
وكتبه: عبد الرحمن الجامع
أول رمضان المبارك 1411 ه
Posted by: Muslimah - 07-23-2003, 05:55 AM - Forum: Current Affairs
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(AL-AMANA Message / What is going on around the American Muslims)
Week No. 135, Month No. 33 (Al-AMANA Message # 191) July 20, 2003
National Call-In Day to Oppose Nomination of Daniel Pipes to Board of US Institute for Peace
Tell Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee to VOTE NO on July 23rd
* Supports the unrestricted profiling of Muslims and Arabs.
* Refuses to condemn the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.
* Suggested that Israel "raze" Palestinian villages.
* Claims 10 to 15 percent of all Muslims are "potential killers."
* Opposes President Bush's repeated statements that Islam is a religion of peace.
* Opposes the president's "road map" to peace in the Middle East.
* Espouses a theory of conflict resolution that rests on the assumption that peace is achieved only by one side defeating the other with military force, and only rarely through reconciliation or negotiation.
* Fails to meet the USIP requirement that board members "have appropriate practical or academic experience in peace and conflict resolution."
* Decries any positive portrayal of Islamic history and beliefs in public schools.
* Termed the PBS documentary "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet" an "outrage."
More but not last:
Corinne Whitlatch, President of Churches for Middle East Peace stated, "Pipes essentially rejects the application of negations between Israel and the Palestinians. He believes that before negotiations can begin, the Palestinians must be convinced that 'they have lost.' In an interview with the Forward, of April 11, Pipes said that peace is possible when one side gives up its goals. And that almost always comes as a result of utter defeat."
Rabbi Doublas E. Krantz of Congregation B?nai Yisrael in Armonk, New York added, "After the heinous travesty of
September 11th, when many of us were striving to educate the public on the non-violent nature of Islam, Dr. Pipes
was in the midst of a campaign to capitalize on the public's fears and general lack of understanding of Islam."
Please visit these sites for more information:
Daniel Pipes website:
Express your strong opposition to the nomination of Daniel Pipes to the United States Institute for Peace. Pipes will not contribute to the mission of the Institute. His approval will only serve to further divide people and nations rather than to bring them together to foster peaceful resolutions of conflicts.
It is ESSENTIAL that you take a few minutes and call the members of the Health, Education , Labor and Pensions committee and urge them NOT to vote to confirm Daniel Pipes to the USIP.
To email members of the committee go to:
Then follow the instructions on the bottom of the page.
To call or fax members of the committee use the numbers below:
Kennedy (MA) - Phone: (202) 224-4543, Fax: (202) 224-2417, E-mail:
Dodd (CT) - Phone: (202) 224-2823, Fax: (202) 224-1083
Harkin (IA) - Phone: (202) 224-3254, Fax: (202) 224-9369
Mikulski (MD) - Phone: (202) 224-4654, Fax: (202) 224-8858
Bingaman (NM) - Phone: (202) 224-5521, Fax: (202) 224-2852, E-mail: senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov
Murray (WA) - Phone: (202) 224-2621, Fax: (202) 224-0238
Reed (RI) - Phone: (202) 224-4642, Fax: (202) 224-4680
Edwards (NC) - Phone: (202) 224-3154, Fax: (202) 228-1374
Clinton (NY) - Phone: (202) 224-4451, Fax: (202) 228-0282
Gregg (NH) - Phone: (202) 224-3324, Fax: (202) 224-4952, E-mail: mailbox@gregg.senate.gov
Frist (TN) - Phone: (202) 224-3344, Fax: (202) 228-1264
Enzi (WY) - Phone: (202) 224-3424, Fax: (202) 228-0359, E-mail: Senator@enzi.senate.gov
Alexander (TN) - Phone: (202) 224-5721, Fax: (202) 224-8149
Bond (MO) - Phone: (202) 224-2315, Fax: (202) 224-6519
DeWine (OH) - Phone: (202) 224-2315, Fax: (202) 224-6519, E-mail: caseworker_dewine@dewine.senate.gov
Roberts (KS) - Phone: (202) 224-4774, Fax: (202) 224-3514
Sessions (AL) - Phone: (202) 224-4124, Fax: (202) 224-3149, E-mail: senator@sessions.senate.gov
Ensign (NV) - Phone: (202) 224-6244, Fax: (202) 228-2193
Graham (SC) - Phone: (202) 224-5972, Fax: (202) 224-3808
Warner (VA) - Phone: (202) 224-2023, Fax: (202) 224-6295
Jeffords (VT) - Phone: (202) 224-5141, Fax: (202) 228-0776
-- END --
The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA.
Proudly Serving the U. S. Muslim Communities Since 1992
(A Member in the “Florida SAC”, Florida State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights)
{The Islamic Center for Reaching & Preaching} Al-AMANA Voice
P. O. Box 5212, Miami, FL 33014 USA
Tel. 305-898-9314, Fax. 305-231-7336
E-mail: info@al-amana.org
Jewish Settlers Break into Al-Aqsa Mosque |
Posted by: Muslimah - 07-23-2003, 05:47 AM - Forum: Current Affairs
- Replies (2)
Jewish Settlers Break into Al-Aqsa Mosque While Israeli Soldiers Overlooking
OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM, Palestine, July 22, 2003 (IPC+ Agencies)-- Several groups of extremist Jewish settlers broke Tuesday into the Al-Aqsa Al-Sharif holy mosque in the Occupied East Jerusalem, for the purpose of praying inside, local Palestinian sources said.
A large number of Jewish settlers, under the eyes of Israeli police and soldiers, broke into the vicinity of Al-Aqsa mosque to perform their rituals inside the area where Muslims pray, the sources told IPC correspondent.
Tayseer Al-Tamimy, Palestinian Supreme Judge, told WAFA News Agency that the settlers' desecration of the mosque has provoked the Muslims’ feelings, instigating them to clash with the settlers.
Al-Tamimy said that such a Jewish attack on the second holiest Muslim mosque around the world, is a flagrant breach of the right to worship, as worshipping at Al-Aqsa mosque is exclusive for the Muslims and that Jews are prohibited to worship inside it.
He stressed that such an action contradicts with the teachings of religions, as double-worshipping is prohibited in one place, hereinafter, the Al-Aqsa Al Sharif Mosque.
“What Jewish settler groups are doing is backed by the Israeli government so as the underway peace efforts would be undermined and parties return back to the cycle of violence."
Al-Tamimy called on the Israeli government to resort to logic and avoid any further disasters in the region by acting in an acceptable way.
He also appealed to both Arab and Islamic nations, especially the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Jerusalem Committee, as well as the League of Arab States, to protect the Al-Aqsa Al Sharif Mosque.
On September 2000, the current Palestinian uprising (Intifada) sparked from the Al-Aqsa mosque –hence came the name "Al-Aqsa Intifada- because Israeli, now Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, despite President Arafat’s warning, insisted on entering the mosque, accompanied with 5,000 Israeli troops and a number of Israeli political hardliners.
Also, such a mosque possesses a great religious value to the Muslims; it is considered to be the third holiest Muslim mosque, for- before turning the direction of prayers "Qibla" into the city of Mecca, now in Saudi Arabia, upon the commandment of God - it used to be the place where Muslim worshippers faced when they wanted to perform their prayers.
Promise of Allah |
Posted by: Ali - 07-22-2003, 09:03 PM - Forum: Islam
- Replies (5)
As a muslim our belief is that Allah's promise cannot be untrue. In Quran itself Allah states this at a lot of places. For Example
[b:a410476bb2]55. Is it not (the case) that Allah.s promise is assuredly true? [/b:a410476bb2] (Surah Yunus)
166. But those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) and do deeds of righteousness, We shall admit them to the Gardens under which rivers flow (i.e. in Paradise) to dwell therein forever. [b:a410476bb2]Allâh's Promise is the Truth, and whose words can be truer than those of Allâh? (Of course, none).[/b:a410476bb2] (Surah Nisa)
5. O mankind! [b:a410476bb2]Verily, the Promise of Allâh is true.[/b:a410476bb2] (Surah Fatir)
Our Society Suffers From Schizophrenia |
Posted by: Red Sea Diver - 07-22-2003, 11:19 AM - Forum: General
- Replies (1)
By Dr. Khaled M. Batarfi •
A foreign journalist told me about a weird incident that happened to
him on
his flight from Jeddah to London. After taking a short nap on board, he
up to set eyes on a totally different scene. His veiled neighbor
wearing the
familiar long black abaya had disappeared. In her place, he found a
beautiful and stylish girl in tight pants checking her make-up. Still
he looked right and left trying to find his veiled neighbor, but then
the second surprise: All surrounding veils were gone. Some men who had
taking care of their women were busy watching others, some of the
silent women started talking and laughing loudly, expensive dresses
out, and for the first time the astonished journalist saw and heard
women. In London, it was the same. Cheery Arabs were gathering in
markets, squares and nightclubs dressed in the latest Western
confused friend asked: If your religion and traditions specify certain
features for a woman’s dress, why is their use limited to your country?
can’t I phone my friend’s wife in Jeddah if I can meet her in full
in London? Why does my Muslim friend perform his prayers regularly five
times a day in his country and turns his back on some or all of them in
London? Is your religion confined to the land of Islam or do rules vary
according to time, place and occasion?I explained to him that these few
don’t represent the whole of society. There are maximum and minimum
of veiling depending on persuasion and circumstances. Covering the face
required in most Islamic schools of thought.Although
I believe in that answer, I also share the desire to explore the
reasons for
the “schizophrenia” many segments of our society suffer from. Our young
taught the noble values and virtues of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
schools and mosques, and learn about them from radio and TV, but when
are out in the real world dealing with adults and observing the
behavior and
attitudes of their teachers and parents, they discover that what they
learned is necessary. Confusion rules and
is submerged in a sea of contradictions.We are in real need of
sociological, and scientific studies concerning these phenomena.
Experts in
each field should participate in exploring ways to get us out of this
situation. Allah doesn’t help a people unless they help themselves.
the title of "The West" can obscure the good peopl |
Posted by: MichelleSeeking - 07-21-2003, 09:48 PM - Forum: Woman and family
- Replies (2)
Dear Muslims in this forum,
I have read many great topics here and a lot of good points are made about the views and actions of Western society, as portrayed on TV and in the media. It's true: many women are not as free as they think they are when they are looked upon and used as lustful sexual objects. I get a knot in my stomach every time I see a scantily clad woman or girl strutting down the street or parading around on TV. I feel so sorry for them as they put themselves on display or give themselves to men under the false banner of "freedom" and "women's liberation".
However, please don't forget that there are hundreds of thousands of good moral God-fearing Christians and moral non-Christians in the West that live with deep convictions and beliefs in this sex-soaked society. Using the lable "The West" can obliterate the good people that dwell amongst the immoral. Christians come under attack here as their morals and teachings are trampled on and disregarded in the workplace, on television, and worse of all: in the public schools where pornographic and disgusting "sex education" is taught in great and careful detail while children fail math and reading in droves. Those of us who avoid drinking, pre-marital sex, and immodest dress are treated like simple minded idiots and tend to lead very lonely lives. (unless we are lucky enough to live with family, peers, or in a supportive community that accepts our beliefs.)
We Christians are doing our very best to live only for God in tough circumstances. In "The West" people are attempting to make it illegal for the Bible to be read in public. God has been removed from all public places, and while Witches and Wiccans can have spiritual meetings at public schools Christian kids can't even pray together without being harassed and censored. If one is anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim one finds themself fired from their job and in court being sued while it's perfectly acceptable to vocally bash Christians in private and in public. For crying out loud, they are even trying to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Aliegence. It's crazy here sometimes!
Yet I ask you all, please don't judge everyone in "The West" by the actions of those whom are seen on TV and in the media. The same TV and media that focuses on one slice of a big pie totally ignores the good, hard-working, modestly dressed, moral Christians and non-Christians. We are not a minority - we are plenty! - but the media coverage of moral people is few and far between. What you see on TV, in the movies, in the magazines, and hear in the music is just a tiny slice of a huge pie filled with interesting and unique cultures and beliefes in "The West". Even though you see men and women practically worshipping Movie and Music stars you need to understand that they are a small portion of "The West". Not everyone drools over the television and loads their head with sex-soaked pop music. Not everyone chases after the latest fashions, starves themselves thin, and gives their body to the highest bidder. Not every young woman loses her virginity in highschool and not every college student is passed out drunk in his dorm. For every person smoking pot there is someone working hard at a minimum wage job so they can pay their rent. Think of "The West" in layers: you have a top layer of immoral people that is always seen in the media. Then you have a middle layer of moral and God-fearing people that are not seen in the media much at all. Usually you hear about us after some religious fanatic starts a cult or a parent is harassed for home-schooling their kids. After this you have a final layer of non-believers that live good moral lives that you NEVER hear about in the media. They live in cities and in the country. They help the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, discipline their kids, are kind to their neighbors and are absolutely decent people. Because of this they are considered "boring" to the media. Yes, I wish they all knew and worshipped God, but I'm not going to consider them to be a part of the top layer simply because of their lack of belief!
The images of an immoral West are fed to us through the media while the rest of "The West" is totally ignored. For every scantilly clad lady I see on the street I also see a young woman wearing long skirts or pants, and decent shirts. For every girl giving her body to some boyfriend there is a girl saving herself for marriage. Even non-religious, non-Christian people live good lives and work hard. The distorted image of "The West" that is well known by the world is what leads to so much misunderstanding and sometimes hatred, which leads to things like terrorist attacks, racism, and Anti-American sentiments.
"The West" is not perfect. We have our problems both amongst the People and in the Government. Yet just remember that for all of our faults, the non-Western countries have just as many. Rather then judging one another through the narrow lense of the media we need to look "behind the scenes" and get to know one another on a personal and realistic level. That is the only way that we will truly understand one another. Let's throw off the shackles and quit being Slaves to the Media and seek the truth about "The West" and the "non-West" before it is too late.
Your Sister in God's love,
Le Message dans Français |
Posted by: Suhail - 07-21-2003, 07:55 PM - Forum: GENERAL
- Replies (3)
Le nom de notre religion est Islam.
Islam est la religion pour la totalité d'espèce humaine.
Il y a seulement un Dieu et son nom est Allah. Il n'a pas de partenaires et il n'a aucune famille.
Pour aider des gens pratiquer Islam, Allah a envoyé beaucoup de prophètes à espèce humaine.
Tous les prophètes ont prêché Islam et ils ont prié à Allah.
Tous les prophètes étaient humains. Le prophète premier était le prophète Adam (paix et bénédictions sont sur lui). Quelques prophètes bien connu sont Prophète Abraham, Prophète Noah, Prophète Ishmael, Prophète Isaac, Prophète Moses, Prophète Jésus - le fils de Mary, et Prophète Muhammad (paix et bénédictions sont sur eux tout). Le prophète Muhammad (en né 571 - est mort 632 A.D.) était le dernier des prophètes, il n'y aura pas de prophètes après lui.
Allah a envoyé des messages à ses prophètes à travers ses Anges. Ces messages ont été compilés dans livres sacrés. Les plus célèbres de ces livres sont les Psaumes, le Torah, la Bible et le Quran. Le Quran était le livre dernier être révélé et le Quran a été révélé au prophète Muhammad (paix et bénédictions sont sur lui).
L'homme est commandé pour faire bon et est interdit de faire le mal.
Les êtres humains choisissent faire bon délibérément ou mal et Allah sait ce qu'ils choisiront. Après que le monde cesse pour exister l'homme sera jugé pour ses actions. Ce sera sur le jour de jugement dans la vie après mort.
Nous vous avons donné le message maintenant. Le même message a apporté à vous par les prophètes Adam - Muhammad (paix et bénédictions sont sur eux tout). Le message d'Islam.
من تصلى عليهم الملائكة |
Posted by: Muslimah - 07-21-2003, 02:22 PM - Forum: منتدى المقالات باللغة العربية
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من تصلي عليهم الملائكة هناك السعداء الذين تصلي عليهم ملائكة الرحمن وتدعو لهم وقد أخبر الله عز وجل ورسوله الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم عنهم ومن أولئك السعداء 1- من بات طاهراً. 2- من قعد في انتظار الصلاة. 3- من كان في الصفوف المتقدمة في الصلاة. 4- من كان في ميامين الصفوف في الصلاة. 5- من وصل الصف . 6- من كان في صلاة الجماعة وقت تأمين الملائكة عند قراءة الإمام الفاتحة. 7- من جلس في مصلاه بعد الصلاة. 8- من صلى الفجر والعصر في الجماعة . 9- من صلى على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم . 10- من دعا له أخوة بظهر الغيب . 11- من دعا لأخيه بظهر الغيب . 12- من أنفق في سبيل الخير . 13- من أكل السحور . 14- من أكل عنده وهو صائم . 15- من عاد مريضاً . 16- من قال خيراً عند المريض والميت . 17- من علم الناس الخير . 18- من آمن وتاب وأتبع سبيل الله تعالى . 19- إمام الأنبياء وقائد المرسلين رسولنا الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم
> من تلعنهم الملائكة
>هناك الأشقياء من تلعنهم الملائكة أو تدعو عليهم ، وقد أخبر عنهم الله عز وجل ورسوله الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم ومن أولئك المحرومين : 1- من سب الصحابة رضي الله عنهم . 2- من أحدث في المدينة حدثاً أو آوى محدثاً . 3- من ظلم أهل المدينة وأخافهم . 4- من ادّعى إلى غير أبيه أو انتمى إلى غير مواليه . 5- من نقض آمان مسلم . 6- من أمسك ماله. 7- من أدرك رمضان فلم يغفر له . 8- من أدرك والديه أو أحدهما فدخل النار. 9- من ذكر عنده النبي الكريم -صلى الله عليه وسلم- فلم يصلي عليه. 10- من أشار إلي المسلم بسلاح. 11- من حال دون الاقتصاص ممن وجب عليه . 12- المرأة الهاجرة فراش زوجها . 13- من كفر ومات على الكفر . 14- من كفروا بعد إيمانهم.
>اللهم اجعلنا ممن تصلي عليهم الملائكة
>ولا تجعلنا ممن تلعنهم الملائكة
>Image by FlamingText.com
>اللهم ان لك صفوة تدخلهم الجنة من غير حساب ولا عقابفاجعل قاريء الرسالة منهم منقووول
Hadhrat Hanzalah (Radhiyallaho Anho) is martyred |
Posted by: Suhail - 07-21-2003, 02:48 AM - Forum: Islam
- Replies (1)
Hadhrat Hanzalah (Radhiyallaho Anho) is martyred.
When the battle of Uhud started, Hadhrat Hanzalah (Radhiyallaho Anho) had just been wedded and therefore did not join the battle from the beginning. It is said that he had just left the bed of his wife and had hardly started taking his bath, when he heard somebody breaking the news about the defeat. He postponed the bath and, with sword in hand, rushed towards the battlefield. He jumped into the enemy concentration, fighting and penetrating till he was killed.
The body of a person killed in the path of Allah is not washed, unless a bath has been incumbent on him before his passing away. Not knowing his failure to take the bath incumbent on him, the Sahabah buried him without a wash.
Just before his burial, the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihe Wasallam) said, "I see the angels washing Hanzalah's body."
Hadhrat Abu Saeed Saadi (Radhiyallaho Anho) says, "On hearing this from the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam), I went to have a look at Hanzalah's face and I noticed drops of water trickling down his hair."
When the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) returned to Madinah, he made queries and the facts of Hadhrat Hanzalah's (Radhiyallaho Anho) postponing his bath came to light.
This again shows the valor of those people. A brave person cannot tolerate any delay and jumps into the jaws of death. Hadhrat Hanzalah (Radhiyallaho Anho) also could not wait to finish the bath incumbent on him.