Quote:Hey can anyone help here...
what's the difference between
to me they all mean "when"
and what's the difference between لو and ان
to me they both mean "if"
can anyone explain with examples...
jazaakumullah Khairan :banghead: :blink:
Assalamo alykom
اذ and لما mean "when"
لما is used to show the sequence of the actions.
إذ قال ربك للملائكة =حين قال ربك للملائكة=when your God said to the angels
لما تنتهى من المذاكرة سنذهب للمسرح=when you finish your study we shall go to the theater.
لو , ان and اذا mean "if"
to know the difference between اذا and لو
before the examination you can say
إذا ذاكرت ستنجح
after the examination you can say
لو ذاكرت لنجحت
إن is simillar to إذا but we used إن in the
case of unexpected or impossible action
you can say
إن نجحت سأعطيك مليون دولار (in case of unexpected success)
or you can say
إن ذهبت إلى الشمس ستحترق