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What's the difference

Hey can anyone help here...

what's the difference between




to me they all mean "when"

and what's the difference between لو and ان

to me they both mean "if"

can anyone explain with examples...

jazaakumullah Khairan :banghead: :blink:


Quote:Hey can anyone help here...

what's the difference between




to me they all mean "when"

and what's the difference between لو and ان

to me they both mean "if"

can anyone explain with examples...

jazaakumullah Khairan :banghead: :blink:


Assalamo alykom

اذ and لما mean "when"

لما is used to show the sequence of the actions.


إذ قال ربك للملائكة =حين قال ربك للملائكة=when your God said to the angels

لما تنتهى من المذاكرة سنذهب للمسرح=when you finish your study we shall go to the theater.

لو , ان and اذا mean "if"

to know the difference between اذا and لو

before the examination you can say

إذا ذاكرت ستنجح

after the examination you can say

لو ذاكرت لنجحت

إن is simillar to إذا but we used إن in the

case of unexpected or impossible action

you can say

إن نجحت سأعطيك مليون دولار (in case of unexpected success)

or you can say

إن ذهبت إلى الشمس ستحترق


just a quick question.... on of many....

isn't the word اذا translated as "when" i see you have it there as "if"


izaa jaa - a - nasrullahi wal fath...

I'm a bit confused


Quote:just a quick question.... on of many....

isn't the word اذا translated as "when" i see you have it there as "if"


izaa jaa - a - nasrullahi wal fath...

I'm a bit confused


Assalamo alykom

اذ should be translated as "when"

اذا should be translated as "if"

if you are still confused I can explain more


Ok.... thanx...

now explain surah Fath.

how اذا is used here as "when" or am i wrong? :)


Quote:Ok.... thanx...

now explain surah Fath.

how اذا is used here as "when" or am i wrong? :)


Alsalamo alykom

No you are not wrong

I refer to many translations,and I found that all translate "إذا"as "when".

some words (like إذ and لما)are used to define the time,I think it should be translated as "when".

some words (like لو and ان )are used to join two sentences,the first one is necessary for occuring

the second.I think it should be translated as"if".

"إذا"is used to define the time (in the future),and at the same time to join two sentences,the first

one is necessary for occuring the second.I thought that it should be translated as"if",but i was wrong.

I apology for this mistake.

Thank you .


Ok thanx alot rock...

This thread is going just as i intended, I want everything we can think about to come up on this thread so that if someone were to read it in the future they would be quite fulfilled....

so if you have any more to add that I have not asked then please do.

but to proceed....

so we agree that اذا means When... but what's the difference from theother mentioned ones???


Quote:Ok thanx alot rock...

This thread is going just as i intended, I want everything we can think about to come up on this thread so that if someone were to read it in the future they would be quite fulfilled....

so if you have any more to add that I have not asked then please do.

but to proceed....

so we agree that اذا means When... but what's the difference from theother mentioned ones???


Assalamo alykom

We use "إذ" when we talk about some thing already happened in the past.

We use "لما" when we talk about two actions already happened in the past and one of them followed the other.

We use "إذا" when we talk about two actions in the future and one of them is necessary for occuring the other.

I hope I am right.



as stated before,

I understand the distinction..

but... can you please give an example to make it a little bit clearer


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