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To Whom It May Concern

Just in case anyone wants to know, the picture at the bottom of my posts are displaying your IP addresse, NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THAT BUT YOU. [img]style_emoticons/default/happy.gif[/img]

You're IP is not being broadcasted thoughout the internet or the forum, I promise you. I have recieved more than one PM because of it, and I just want everyone to NOT worry, no one can see your IP. [img]style_emoticons/default/cool.gif[/img]

Hope this clears some things up. [img]style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]



as salam alykom

FYI if this was jeapardizing any member's privacy we as admin would ve kindly asked shaunee to remove it. Mash a Allah she is very cooperative, I once asked her to change an avatar and she never hesitated. It is just a fun worry.

BTW I like your avatar shaunee quite innovative Mash a Allah


Quote:Just in case anyone wants to know, the picture at the bottom of my posts are displaying your IP addresse, NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THAT BUT YOU. 

[img]style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img] now everyone can sit back and relax finally




The mouse is kind of creepy though. Make Dan scared... bad... run away.....



Okay, I'm back. Is the mouse gone, yet? [img]style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif[/img] How does he hold that big sign with his little paw?!? [img]style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif[/img]

As Salam alaikum



I like that Shaunee, and I got the site where u got it from, it is totally safe, there are other avatars, change the mouse so brother Dan will be at ease.



LOL. how do you change the mouse? [img]style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img]

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