To Whom It May Concern - Printable Version

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To Whom It May Concern - NewBeginning - 03-08-2005

Just in case anyone wants to know, the picture at the bottom of my posts are displaying your IP addresse, NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THAT BUT YOU. [img]style_emoticons/default/happy.gif[/img]

You're IP is not being broadcasted thoughout the internet or the forum, I promise you. I have recieved more than one PM because of it, and I just want everyone to NOT worry, no one can see your IP. [img]style_emoticons/default/cool.gif[/img]

Hope this clears some things up. [img]style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

To Whom It May Concern - Muslimah - 03-09-2005


as salam alykom

FYI if this was jeapardizing any member's privacy we as admin would ve kindly asked shaunee to remove it. Mash a Allah she is very cooperative, I once asked her to change an avatar and she never hesitated. It is just a fun worry.

BTW I like your avatar shaunee quite innovative Mash a Allah

To Whom It May Concern - Yasmin - 03-09-2005

Quote:Just in case anyone wants to know, the picture at the bottom of my posts are displaying your IP addresse, NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THAT BUT YOU. 

[img]style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img] now everyone can sit back and relax finally

To Whom It May Concern - NewBeginning - 03-10-2005


To Whom It May Concern - Dan - 03-11-2005


The mouse is kind of creepy though. Make Dan scared... bad... run away.....



Okay, I'm back. Is the mouse gone, yet? [img]style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif[/img] How does he hold that big sign with his little paw?!? [img]style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif[/img]

As Salam alaikum

To Whom It May Concern - radiyah - 03-11-2005


I like that Shaunee, and I got the site where u got it from, it is totally safe, there are other avatars, change the mouse so brother Dan will be at ease.



To Whom It May Concern - NewBeginning - 03-13-2005

LOL. how do you change the mouse? [img]style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img]