07-27-2003, 12:44 PM
The Qur’an is not an ornament to be displayed on a shelf for baraka. Nor is it something to be recited just for ten hasana per letter. It’s a book of guidance not a book of songs. It’s a book of lessons. Does not history repeat? Let’s look at the ancients and compare then with now.
As Salam Alykom Akhi
you really touched on a crucial point here. This is the core of interest. The Quran how far do we apply it? I fully agree with every word u said in your excellent post. Except for one thing. And remember I am an Arab living in an Arab Muslim country. Muslims by birth, although I have a special opinion about this, but let us not get off topic, just took Islam so much for granted. We became so much involved in worldly affair and overlooked our Amah entrusted by Allah.
Look at this, it is my humble opinion:
Once again most welcome and I do like very much your innovative effects. U never told me and Amira how do u do them :!: :!: :!:
U think we can get u to tell us how did u get to Islam and for how long u been one :?: