05-20-2004, 05:56 PM
As salam alaikum
Alhamdulillah brother that is your choice. But I do not see Islam as fluid as you do. We must remember that the Jews are divided into 71 sects, the Christians into 72, and the muslims are divided into 73. Only one of those will go to heaven and that is the one who follows the qur'an and sunnah of the Prophet. For me this warning cannot be taken lightly. This means that I am in a constant search to solidify and strengthen my aqeedah as much as possible.
There are many opinions that I hold about Islam that I do not share on this board. The reason is that I do not have the knowledge and sound evidence to back it up. I am not worried about what others will think. I am worried about my accountibility before Allah. What if I spread my opinion and it turns out to be false? I am responsible for that misinformation on the Day of Judgement. It is a major sin.
By all means share whatever you feel compelled to share. I am only worried for you as my brother in Islam that is all. I am not trying to silence you. I just want to fulfill what I feel is my duty to my brother and to Allah by offering some advise. I appreciate the information that you have shared with me. Jazak Allah.
May Allah Forgive me if I have uttered anything wrong. May my brothers and sisters forgive me if I have offended or wronged them. May Allah Guide us all. Astaghfirullah. Alhamdulillah.
As salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu