04-16-2004, 02:55 PM
Dear intuition, I am not here to win a debate, yes it is haram to kill one self and commit suicide, that is true, it is haram to kill civilians it is true, but I watch many relegious programs, on saudi chanel and Iqraa and the scholars say that they have the right and this is not suicide(and their fatwa on this only regarding the palestenians, and not other suicide bombers, like 9/11 and the madrid explosion, and what ever like it, but this is the palestenians land, the jews have no right to live in it, they stole it, and they are in state of war with them, with all Islam, and no one of the arab or muslim world leaders are doing anything to stop what is hapening to them, money sent to them taken by others, I do not want to mention names, so he has no other way to fight, when your house is blown your sister raped your mother and father killed, your new born baby killed, what would u do then intuition, just sit and say yes come and kill me too I will be very happy and pleased, in palestine and now Iraq((yesterday I saw an interview with a saudi doctor who entered Iraq to help them, and he said frightning facts of what is hapeining there and not being showed or not allowed to be shown by media, he is a doctor at the saudi hospital in jeddah, he says the americans are not allowing food or medical aid to be sent to faloja, or any other part in Iraq, they even bombed the malyzian red crescent who were carying lots of medecin and aids for the Iraqi's we only c what the jews and americans want us to c through the media, no one knows what is truly happening inside there)), women are being raped, killed also children, and then u tell me they have no right to defend themselves.
I will tell u a story here .On the day of the fto7at when the muslims were spreading Islam, There was one castle that the muslims could not open, so one muslim said to his companions carry me and throw me into it and i will open it for u or die, and may Allah accept me as shaheed, there was a small hole in the castle,they threw him, and it was opened and the muslims won, and he knew he might die, but he is giving his life for a sacred purpose for Islam to spread, and it was not conciderd suicide, I do not remember the sahaby name right now or in what battle, I will look it up for u and post it.
and also in surrat Al-burooj
read here the surra and the tafseer, u will c how the muslims at that time were forced to throw themselves in the ditch of fire, and the the story of the pious boy, he knew he will die, but on the other side everybody embraced Islam. u will tell me it is not the same concept, when blowing yourself up, I will still insist and tell u it is all in Allah's hand, he decides if they are martyrs or not and it depends on their intention.
So we will leave it to Allah, and we do not say if they are martyrs or not.
We just pray that may Allah accept them.
If I am right it is from Allah, if I am mistaken is from my Ignorance and little knowledge.
Wasalam 'laykom wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh