10-11-2003, 02:23 PM
As Salam Alykom
The difference between lee and a`andi
لى وعندى
Both are possession particles. But used in different locations.
So now lee is used for things given permenantly like i can say:
لى عينين ويدين وقدمين
ly a`aynayn, wa yadayn wa qadamyn
I have two eyes, two hands, two feet
لى سيارة ولى بيت ولى أب وأم
lee sayrah, lee bayt, lee ub wa umm
I have a car, a house, a father and mother
As in quran check Suratu Al balad ayahs 8-9 Allah say naja`al lahu.
while a`andi is for the things that u have them on temporary bases.
like u say:عندى وقت فراغ
عندى أصدقائى
عندى طعام
a`andi waqt faragh
a`endi asdiqa-ei
a`endi ta`am
I have free time
I have freinds (here it is in the sense that u have them on a visit)
I have food
hope u got the difference