09-25-2003, 06:37 PM
I see a few different interpretations on this particular verse. Here are a couple of items I have found.
<b>The Arabic word for CHEST, GAYB is in the verse (24:31), but the Arabic words for HEAD, (RAAS) or HAIR, (SHAAR) are NOT in the verse. The commandment in the verse is clear - COVER YOUR CHEST OR BOSOMS, but also the fabrication of the scholars and most of the translators is clear by claiming- cover your head or hair. </b>
Most of the translators, obviously influenced by Hadith (fabrications) translate the word as VEIL and thus mislead most people to believe that this verse is advocating the covering of the head.
These are particularly interesting points don't you think ? I mean the argument here is that if Allah wanted you to cover your hair, he would have said so, no ?
But really it brings me back to the point, if the Qu'ran is untouchable and not open to interpretation, who is doing all the interpretation ?
And I think that it was established well before Islam there was a tradition of wearing head gear stuff.