Quote:In the Name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit - One God - now & forever. Amen.
in the name Of Allah, Arrahman, Arraheem
Quote:May the Peace of Our Lord & Saviour be with you!
The Most Holy Trinity is a mystery but not a contradiction. I've explained it a million times on these boards. Just think of water - one substance in three forms: liquid, ice & steam.
it is not a mystery, it contradicts the sound mind, its very simple actually. water is not water anymore if mixed with other substances, a perfect example is a Pepsie can...how come u dont call it water anymore? so the sound mind tells u it has changed to something else...if GOD is changing then he is not a GOD, cz his absolute uniqness is gone.
Quote:The Incarnation can be likened to water being mixed with salt, leaving you with saltwater (a weak & probably flawed analogy - I literally just made it up myself 2 seconds ago).
i think i explained that above....
Quote:How do we change God from chocolate pudding to a kitkat (thanks for making me crave it by the way)?
I know the Incarnation is repugnant to Muslims & I can totally live with that. But it doesn't change anything from my end.
incarnation....attributed to GOD??? u love giving GOD human qualities dont you? ur faith calims him being a man, did he have to go to the bathroom? did he vomit? did he get sick? did he bleed? did he get weak? did he get tired? these are all human qualities... GOD is above such qualtities from which he himself has created.
Quote:Jesus Christ is both Divine & Human. If God wants His Son to become human & die on the Cross for our salvation, who's going to stop Him?
Divine and human? thats a contraiction in itself, what is divine is divine, and what is human is human.... If God wanted to send a DOG he could have, no one can stop him, but GOD does what befits his status, being the Creator of all things....
According to Catholicism...
Quote:When God created Adam, He didn't will that Adam disobey Him. Adam freely broke God's Commandment & as a consequence, fell from grace. God promised to send a Redeemer & bring Adam to His original state. Every human descendent from Adam inherited original Sin & share in Adam's fallen human nature. We needed a sinless & flawless Person to destroy the power of evil that hung over humanity, therefore, it was fitting for God to send His only-begotten Son to make up for what His first created son did & restore life. God's Creation. God's Redemption. God's Sanctification. Simple yet profound!
From an Islamic viewpoint - maybe! But not in Christianity. Did you read the explanations in the other thread? Please do. It's bound to make sense to you sooner or later.
according to this myth..all the prophets of GOD failed, and he had to come down and do the job himself..."if u gotta do something, u gotta do it urself" this is an insult to the perfection of GOD.
Adam is a very different discussion than this one... but the similtude of Adam is not to be compared with God, Adam is a creation, and GOD is the creator, they dont collide with equal forces...
Quote:Please explain it to me (if you don't mind). After all, this is an Islamic forum :D
i will start a thread on it...patience my dear
Quote:Merci ya zalami :) Ahlan fik! Zahle's my favourite place in the whole wide world.
I miss it more than you :(
wala yhimik ya bint.... mnirja3 shi nhar!!
Quote:Where do you live now? Did you live there as a child, teenager or adult?
I agree! I think they go too far when they're willing to sacrifice their lives & dignity for a piece of land. As much as I love Libnan, I wouldn't compromise my religious beliefs or die for it.
i live in Miami, FL now... mom is Lebanese and FAther was born in Leb, originally from a palastinian origin.
I am a Lebanese at the very core, i eat their food, speak their language, understand their minds, joke the jokes they do (no one can get them other than them for some reason)
Lebanese are good people, but their pride is a little too much sometimes
Quote:For he record, I'm very fond of Faoud Sanioira. He's a top Prime Minister. Allah ayishou wa ayish Libnan!
politics and dipers have one thing in common (S**T)
What Arab country do you originate from?
Quote:I respect your beliefs & I hope you can respect mine. I'll never impose The Faith on you nor will I ever denounce it. I hope you can live with that & Insha a Allah we can still be "friends" (I use that term loosely because I just found out in another thread that Muslims can't befriend non-believers).
no at all im not here to make an enemy of you, we Muslims show understanding to one another and it is commanded to us to convey peace among the rest of the religions. Now as for Muslims telling you that they should not befried the unbelievers, they DONT know the reason of revelation of this verse, each verse in the Quran has a reason of revlation, a timeline, and a hitorical event that the prophet went thru and experienced, thus the verse.
one cannot pick verses from the Quran and simply throw it as he wishes on the rest to fit his own desires, i will get u the explanation of that verse soon.