04-09-2007, 12:26 AM
Jazaki Allah khairan Muslimah min felastine for this post regarding the khushou`a
Asalamu alaikum wallah no problem I believe many of us need to remember that we need to soften our hearts and work hard to perfect our salah
The meaning of "establishment of the prayer" has been stressed because that is what the pillar of Islam is. This pillar is not simply the performance of the prayer. It is nor performing it in any way or with just physical motions. Nor is it simply praying in the heart without any physical parts to it whatsoever. Nor is it praying the prayer at the time one finds convenient. One must be careful to perform this pillar of Islam in the best and correct manner. On this point Nadwi, wrote
Salat, is not merely the name of certain physical movements. It is not a wooden, lifeless ritual or something of a military discipline in which one's choice or volition has no place. It is an act in which all the three aspects of human existence, physical, mental and spiritual, find their due expression. The body, the mind and the heart participate in it jointly and in an ideal manner. The acts of standing erect, kneeling and prostration appertain to the body, recitation appertains to the tongue, reflection and contemplation to the mind, and fear, repentance and lamenation to the heart...
(jamaal al-din m. zarbozo)
Take care of urselves and deen