07-21-2003, 02:36 PM
Asalaamu alikum everyone!
Sorry for bugging all of you, I guess nobody really cares about the food they eat? This is the first thing we should be aware of. I do not know what Surah it comes from, but it goes something like this, If you want to disobey Allah(SWT), then eat the food that is unlawful to you, If you still want to disobey Allah(SWT)....... I am sorry I can not remember the rest, but I do know it went on to say three things that will lead you astrary from the righteous path. My knowlegde is limited yes, but I do know some Quran and Sunnah. I may not remember where it came from, but In Shaa Allah someday I will be able to. I thought this might be an interesting topic to talk about.