01-03-2007, 08:43 AM
Quote:I was referring to abstinence as a form of natural contraception - LOL! To be chaste within a marriage means to abstain from sexual intercourse during ovulation (when conception is likely to occur). Of course, this method is only recommended when a couple want to hold off having children for valid reasons.
God isn't against sex! You can say that again! He wants married couples to have the best authentic sex life! But sex without an openness to new life is haram on many different levels! It defeats the primary purpose of why God created the sexual act. That's why Islam is against homosexual relations... right?
Think about it!
Hello. That’s rather difficult innit. Can you predict or time the ovulation exactly ? and not risk getting pregnant? :conf06:
No islam is not against Homosexuality :placate: not only on those basis. There are a lot more reasons/