11-02-2006, 11:44 AM
:confused_smile: salaam, how was everyones eid?
i had one question on my mind, which i would really like an answer to.
After returning to University after ramadan and Eid, i came out of lecture, and bumped in to one of my mates, and i asked him
how come his friend (female) and himself never came to lecture. He replied, Im not studying that module i just come to sit in with my friends, but my friend was there u just prob didnt see her. (when i first met her she wore the hijab) so i started
describing her, and he said, oh u prob never saw her because shes taken the head scarf off, i asked curiously why? abit
disappointed, and he replied, 'well ramadans over innit, she doesnt need to wear it now' i tried to explain how that was not right, and abit hypocritical of her, but for some reason he felt that there was nothing wrong with that.
Am i wrong to think like this? because i feel that a head scarf is not a fashion accessory where you can just put it on n off when u please. It has many responsibilities, which these days many girls do not show n e respect for.
I hope someone can put my mind at ease lolzzz
allah hafiz