11-25-2004, 05:10 AM
THANKS DOUBTING REHMAT ON THINKING THAT I LOGG ON TO 10 DIFFRENT NAMES HERE. SORRY I AM NOT DISHONEST LIKE SO MANY PEOPLE YOU KNOW. I DO NOT LIE ON WHO I AM! I think you need to un sharpen your tongue just a little as you are affending people. Since I see you are no good for me at the moment, I am refraining from reading your post and replying to them. I need to learn more about being a Muslum and our not the best influence for me at the moment.THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL DAY REHMAT! Hope you had a nice day too.
Thanks Shaunee for your reply. Yes Rehmat is tough and he should be more polite on his opinions. I did listen to his opinion but I didn't relise about the oil. Yes some people are ignorant but we just need to help.
Salam Alliex