10-29-2004, 09:38 AM
Salam Ronniv,
There is another unanswered question hanging in the air in this same forum room under 'The Prophet's name' but seems to fit rather well in under this issue to 'Strange things'. Do you mind if I repeat it here?
''So let me put it this way "And I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Periqlytos, that he may stay with you for ever".
Christians tell me that this Periqlytos is the Holy Spirit. At the same time they also tell me that this same spirit is one of the unities in the trinity. And I am also told that the trinity is the same as the one God.
Christianity also teaches that God is Everlasting, has no beginning nor end, just like Islam teaches.
Still what is explained to me by Christians concerning this verse is that it is the Holy Spirit, one of the unities in the trinity is to be sent for. And the question arises - HOW can THAT spirit be sent for or shall be given, since it is already there, and always have been, according to Christianity?