10-28-2004, 06:59 PM
as salam alykom brother and sister on this thread
peace to u ronniv
rehmet Mash a Allah may Allah increase your knowledge. however, u must be aware of course that hadeeth is quite divine. Alhamdulelah we have a good informative thread
u may follow there
with all due respect to both my sister and brother (rehmat I assume u r a brother), u could not see the hidden aim of ronniv. This afternoon I was reading thru another thread and was preparing to ask her a question that I dont need to do now. I was going to ask her why is she on an Islamic forum?
To me what she is aiming for and unfortunately she is not up to the task, is to prove Quran being fabricated.
Could not u see her question is if the Quran was complete why did we have to learn prayer in Sunnah.
Well ronniv, usually I lean towards answering questions regardless of the poster's intention even if the intention is so clear for others to benefit.
However, in your case, unfortunately u r not even consistent in your question, not trained enough to do it.
But still I will answer your points although there is a point u never replied to it. will talk about it later.
Quran is the word of Allah, was not changed. we explained to u about the 7 readings which does not change one single word only pronunciation. If u can not understand this, it is your own problem.
What was added only the dots as we explained before.
Even the 7 readings were revealed thru Jebreel to make recitation easy on the Arabs.
If a Muslim attacks Quran as u brought in the other link then he is not a Muslim.
In the anti Islam sites, they even dont fight in a logical way, but what they do for people like u, is they post Ayahs from Quran but missing parts.
So if u want to know why we learnt prayer from Sunnah follow the link I gave to rehmat.
Also I will appreciate if u tell us why u r here? Obviously u read Quran, u feel somehow insecured specially with reverts around u, telling u u might be wrong.
We are not pushing u for anything. U came here willingly. If u need to learn stay and learn.