09-20-2004, 06:35 PM
Alsalam 'alaykom
Quote:36. Hijab is a source of confidence. Non-Muslims easily recognize you to be different and do not stare when you stand up for you Islamic rights and beliefs which are often considered strange in the western society.
This is very true, where i work i have to walk in a bit long hall to reach my elevator, many foreigners walk there because our office is located near a hotel with a mall with shops, and many would be walking waiting for the shops to open, they are tourists that are not used to our society customes, but when they c a muhajaba they would lower their gaze and move giving u the way to pass, and when they c a non muhajaba they will keep on starring as if they were going to eat her up just like a peice of meat as u said.
I was not forced to wear hijab, Alhamdulilah Allah guided me from a long time to wear it, when muhajabat were very little and the hijab was considered to be lost, i wor it in the mid of 1980, which means 24 years now Alhamdulilah, and the past 4 years I am more strict in my dressing i do not wear much of colors and i wear very loose jilbab, and I pray to Allah that I will one day reach to what sister jeniffer reached ameen. Alhamdulilah now every1 is returning to Allah's path, even those who lost astray because of their societies and Alhamdulilah we can c muhajabat all over the globe, thanks for the clean media and efforts of da'wa.
Quote:ps I would not marry a woman without a hijab either.
Yes exactly brother a true muhajaba insha'Allah that is pure from within her soul, and appearance as well, may Allah grant u what u r longing for .
Quote:Think i'm going to have to send this post to my girlfriend in an anonymous email, to try and convince her, think it'll work anyone? It's convinced me!!
Insha'Allah it'll work brother y not give it a try
Quote:But the positive reactions are also to be found. When I started to wear it, some sisters that I had no idea they practised Islam, came up to me and greeted me and told me that they thought it was great that I had it on me and said, mashaAllah 'you that are not a born Muslim wear it and we that are born Muslims do not'. MashaAllah
Masha'Allah sister may Allah strengthen your eman Ameeen, and increase your alms Ameen.
sister intuition jazaky Allah khayr for this wonderful post