09-11-2004, 02:40 PM
Assalamu aleikum sisters,
This is a salute to the HIJAB.
SubhanAllah it is so nice to partake in your positive experiences. The hijab is really powerful, and I feel so glad that Allah, SWT, did give us guidance to wear it. Alhamdullillah.
I am sure that some of you also have struggled a lot before starting to wear it? I did a lot of thinking and 'talking' to myself and tried for months to put it on. I did then live in Sweden. I will just tell you two things that comes in mind when I finally did put it on, the right way.
I had two collegues at work, non Muslims that I worked close with, and they knew about my struggle. So one day I said, tomorrow inshaAllah I will come to work with my hijab on. On my way to the bus, I was so nervous, but the thought came to mind (Allah's guidance no doubt) IF this bustrip goes fine, I will make it! When entering the bus everyone took their seat, there were several free seats. At the next stop a young man enters the bus comes up to where I was sitting and just casted a short glance at me, and sat down beside me. No funny looks, no thought of 'I will not sit there I will take another seat'. And I thought inshaAllah this will be just fine. Allah, SWT, showed me He will make me strong to put it on every day from now on. When arriving to work, there was a bit of a turbulens, but most of them behaved respectfully. The next day we had a big meeting with the highest director in the company and all the employees gathered. Most of them had not seen me in my new ID (that is a great word for it Muslimah!) not even my nearest chief and I run into him in the hallway and he said 'you look so cute' - was I surprised. And then I was placed at the same table as the company director, he greeted me but looked at me above his glasses and did not say anymore. On the other hand there was a woman also sitting at this table and she raised a lot of positive questions.
That is some of my first emotions when starting to wear this beautiful peace of textile called hijab.
Share your stories sisters, I never get tired of talking or listening about the hijab, it is so special.
your sister