09-09-2004, 04:26 PM
Assalmu aleikum all,
Intuition a long and beautiful list of reasons. I agree to them all. I would like to add to it, that if I would be FORCED for some reason to leave my house without it, it would be like going out naked. What a horrible thought. That thought comes to my mind sometimes to have my clothes and hijab beside my bed, so in case of an emergency, I dont have to rush out of the house without anything that includes my islamic hijab dressing.
But I would also like to add that the surroundings always are not so welcoming, in a Muslim country nor in a non-Muslim country, it is a test of Allah, SWT, to be steadfast. But that inspires me to wear it even more, mashaAllah. But the positive reactions are also to be found. When I started to wear it, some sisters that I had no idea they practised Islam, came up to me and greeted me and told me that they thought it was great that I had it on me and said, mashaAllah 'you that are not a born Muslim wear it and we that are born Muslims do not'. MashaAllah. And going to the pharmacy and being greeted and complimented by a Muslim brother, and as you wrote Intuition going to buy some clothes, and being greeted and complimented and given a discount 'only beacause you have embraced Islam and wear the hijab', mashaAllah. This raise so many memories, it is good to write about. It was 7 years ago.
Brother Anyabwile, welcome to the Muslim Ummah I have read about your journey here and I am so happy for you. InshaAllah your wife to be will soon follow, if she needs help I am positive we will be here for her too. I wish you the best of luck on the path that Allah, SWT, has guided you to.
Your sister in Islam