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Reasons For Wearing The Hijab
to muslimah- i am a male, not female. where i come from shameem is a male's name. sorry for the confusion.


as salam alykom

sorry brother [Image: smile.gif]

to muslimah- no big deal.

[Image: ohmy.gif] I thought also u were a she, oh thank u for clarifying shameem [Image: biggrin.gif]


i believe the feminine gender of shameem is "shameema".


Oh okay, thanku again for clarification .



Quote: <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="1892" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> i do have some concerns though concerning the niqaab.i really love seeing women wearing it.i would like to know if it is mandatory on the part of muslim women to wear it

Asalaamu alikum sister,

It seems to me that there is a difference of opinion among the scholars regarding the niqab. While some say yes it is a requrement, others say that only hijab is required.

It seems to be commonly accepted that the minimum that a women must do is cover everything except her hands and her face, and that her reward from Allah (swt) will be even greater if she chooses to cover more than this. I heard one sister say once that choosing to wear the niqab is like seeking the A+ on the assignment. And Allah knows best.

I have tremendous respect for both our hijab and niqab wearing sisters, to see them is to truly see a sight of beauty.

May Allah bless you all and make us all better Muslims.

Your sister,



Asalamalaykum Sister

Something happened to me recently that kind of discouraged me to wear the niqab in the future as I had in mind. Well, I was at our local library trying to find a book, While I was there searching the name of the book, I heard people talking. I wasn't really listening to their conversation but lets just say they were speaking loud enough for me to almost hear every word they're sayiung. They happened to be a group of muslim brothers just being themselves exchanging their opinions about women who wear the niqab. They couldn't see me at all.And I couldn't see them either. Anyway, one Brother said, hey Brothers be honest, Don't you just find some niqabed Sisters eyes seductive? And the rest agreed saying, yes yes very very tempting. I was astonished and amazed at their conversation. Than another one suddenly said, walahee I find myself easier to lower my gaze around girls with hijab then sisters with niqaab. The rest kept saying, that is true true Brother.

Now I don't know what was going on with those brothers, but i know that they're being Real and Honest.

There goes my dream of becoming a niqaabi:rolleyes: , and a purdah is even out of question for me, i wouldn't know how to breathe in that [Image: wacko.gif] . Guess i'll be a hijabiie for life.

InshaAllah i'm not going down with what those brothers said, that doesn't make me believe that All men think like that but I just feel I should be more cautious of my eyes, i know that with the niqaab all the attention goes straight to your eyes. Anyway I am talking too much, inshaAllah this is not to disrespect niqaabies [Image: ph34r.gif]


Assalamu aleikum,

Dear sister Intuition,

This took me by totally by surprise! I have never even thought that serious brothers could think this way. But as you say even they, just like us, are different. But for the brothers that DON'T lower their gaze, that goes TWO ways of course [Image: ph34r.gif] , how could it matter WHAT you are wearing? That does not make any sense, or does it?

On the other hand IF I try to look at is in a neutral way - EYES are very speaking. Subhana'Allah.



Asalaamu alikum sister,

Actually Im not surprised by the conversation you overheard, and I can see your reason for concern. Of course you will find people thinking all different things, but in the end ultimately its a decision that should come from your heart. Some women have very beautiful eyes, and I have heard from some sisters here coming from overseas that there are some niqabi women 'back home' who paint there eyes in very inticing ways which of course totally defeats the purpose.

Just as some hijab sisters have very beautiful faces, some niqabi sister have beautiful eyes. But as Umm said lets not forget that the command to lower the gaze was also given to the women, as well as putting force into our voices when speaking with the brothers, all of these, and the fact that we limit our conversation with them I think can serve as a help to those brothers who have a more difficult time, as well as a protection for our ownselves.

And as far as the beathing goes, alhumdulilah I have found its not even a concern. They make these things out of the right material and insha Allah you should have no troubles with that. [Image: smile.gif]

I found this one to be quite conveniant and really easy to wear, it pops right over your hijab and also gives the option of the eyes screen. I dont know if I'd try driving with it down though! [Image: ph34r.gif][Image: cool.gif][Image: biggrin.gif];niqab

Asalaamu alikum


Assalamu aleikum,

Dear sister Jennifer, thanks for your answer. You are right, no matter who has views about us, whatever we look like, it is still our own heart that is the first concern and priority to dress like we do, to please Allah, SWT.

Thanks for the site [Image: wub.gif] - no 124, is to my liking. Truly a beautiful one.



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