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Obsessed With The Endtimes


Just this once, let’s all considers this scenario for a moment. Let’s suppose that tomorrow morning; we discovered that Israel didn’t exist, that Israel was magically gone. How would this event change the Islamic world? Would the conditions which foster ignorance, poverty and corrupt rulers suddenly resolve themselves? No. Would the religious perspectives which foster grinding oppression of women suddenly cease? No. Would the disappearance of Israel suddenly cause corrupt religious leaders to close their schools of hate and intolerance?, would the population of Islamic nations suddenly embrace plurality and tolerance of those who believe differently (or not at all)? Again, The answer is no. "

Will the Infidel armies stop its Rape of 3rd world nations: NO



Will the Infidel armies stop its Rape of 3rd world nations: NO

Why do you post this type of open ended nonsense? You post groundless claims that are bereft any corroboration and you expect to be taken seriously?

Shouldn't someone concerned with the truth come to an issue with an open mind and endeavour to determine the TRUTH, and then from there determine what is inaccurate? If you approach these things with such a bias, you will always be able to prove to yourself, somehow, that they contain lies.

Do you understand this? You have no facts on an issue, you are personally acknowledging your bias, and you are asking strangers on a public forum to help you justify your bias in your mind.

Doesn't that, at the very least, make you feel dirty?


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