12-31-2003, 12:54 AM
Allaah, Jalla wa 3alaa, Says (translation of approximate meaning):
{There has already been for you an excellent example to be followed in Ibraaheem and those with him, when they said to their people, "Indeed we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allaah. We have rejected you, and there has started between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allaah alone."} (al-Mumtahinah v. 4)
I sometimes sit down and ponder, how many of us are actually following this example, this obligatory example, which Allaah, Jalla wa 3alaa, Has Obligated us to follow in numerous other places in the Qur'aan.
We go to school (high school, college, etc.) or go to our jobs and workplaces, and we talk as if there is nothing big between us and them (the Kuffaar). As if the difference between us and them is really a 'superficial' thing. And even if we believe in it at the level of our hearts (theoretically), then how many of us believe in it actively (practically)?
Have you ever told those individuals who resist and/or oppose Islaam, that you hate them? Why you hate them? The major reason for this hate?
Many Muslims talk about hate that they have for the Kuffaar, because of the oppression that is inflicted upon us from them. Is this the main hatred Ibraaheem was praised for? No it was not!
It was hatred FOR THEM due to their belief in false religions and worship of idols ('primitive' ones or so-called 'civilized' and 'modern' idols).
And some will claim 'But this will turn them away from Islaam!' They have not uderstood the issue correctly. There is a difference between general declaration of animosity towards them, versus specific individuals (who have not heard the Message), and there is a difference between those who were not exposed to the Message, versus those who have. And the hatred and animosity must always at least exist in the heart. What we speak of is its active, public and open manifestation, display, and declaration.
And this declaration against their false religions and idols, is always needed.
And when they are exposed to this declaration of animosity, they are forced to consider and ponder, Why? Why? Why do they hate me? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I did? Am I a fool? Maybe I am? Yes, some hearts have returned to their Lord by the blessings Allaah Places in these words and actions.
And we must remember, to declare the causes of this hatred, and reasons, otherwise the message is not understood. And the particular falsehood (false religions and idols), that the people of our localities worship have to be mentioned, one by one, until it is a well known and famous fact amongst them, that the followers of this Religion (Islaam) hate us and hate our religions and idols.
Oh brother and sister, oh carriers of the Prophet's banner, you are not a part of the Victorious Aided and Supported Group, until you make this declaration, openly and publicly, for a major characteristic of this blessed group is the openness of their call, and its apparentness, as the Prophet mentioned (Peace and Blessings be upon him). And there is no victory for this Ummah and its Deen, until we establish this.
Lastly, a reminder to my brothers, that the declaration of faith, is one of negation and affirmation, negation of the right of worship from everything and everyone other than Allaah, and affirming it to Him alone, negating love, friendship and alliance from Allaah's enemies, and affirming that alone to Allaah, His Messenger, and the Believers. So as we declare our enmity towards the Kuffaar, we must not forget to also declare what the Truth is, that is the affirmation part of our beliefs, such as that it is Allaah alone who deserves worship, that His Religion is the Only acceptable one by Him, that He Shall certainly Resurruct us and Take us into account, that His final Message was to the Prophet Muhammad, Sallallaahu 3alayhi wa Sallam, and that our friendship and alliance is to the believers.
And the last of our words is that All Praise is to Allaah, the Lord of the Universe.