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Names of Allâh (SWT)
El-Hamdu ll"ALLAH sister.

8. Al-`Azîz: The Incomparable

"...the Incomparable (Al-`Azîz ).." (59:23).

Allah is the Incomparable in terms of importance, usefulness and inaccessibility. Whatever lacks any of these three qualities (importance, usefulness, and inaccessibility) cannot be described by the name of the incomparable (`Azîz). Being incomparable means being rare, very precious, and difficult to obtain. Allah is so rare that He is absolutely unique, so necessary that nothing would exist without Him, so inaccessible that Allah alone can know Himself. There are many things in the universe of which it can be said that their usefulness is limited. They cannot be cincomparable (`Azîz). There are many things which have great importance, abundant usefulness, and are incomparable in this world. If approaching it is not difficult, however, one still cannot call it incomparable. An example of this is the sun which has no equal. This is also true of the earth. The usefulness of and need for each of them is great, to say the least. Yet the fact remains that they cannot be characterized in terms of incomparability since it is easy to observe them. That is, they are not unapproachable. Therefore, it is necessary that these three characteristics be combined before one can refer to something as being incomparable. Our absolute need exists for Allah alone. No one really knows Allah except Allah.


9. Al-Jabbâr: The Compeller

"...the Compeller (Al-Jabbâr )..." (59:23). The Compeller is Allah's quality of being effective in terms of will power over everyone and everything while no will power is effective over It. This force is the one from whose grasp no one is free. Allah's Will is absolute and this magnifies Allah over every other being. Through His Will, Allah compels His creatures to obey His counseling to the positive (amr bi'l ma`rûf) or commands and trying to prevent the development of the negative (nahy `An al-munkar) or prohibitions. These counsels are part of the instinctive nature within beings and things. They predispose creatures to follow Allah's Will, the highest stage of which is to become conscious of self through which the creature then bears witness to the Creator. Certainly Allah coerces everyone, but no one coerces Him.


10. Al-Mutakabbir: The Proud

"...the Proud (Al-Mutakabbir )..." (59:23).

Allah's quality of being the Proud considers everything less in comparison to its own essence. Majesty and glory belong to Allah alone. From this quality comes the command to magnify Allah by saying the takbîr, Allâhu akbar, Allah is Greater. This is pride in the purest sense of the word. It is inconceivable of anyone except Allah in an absolute sense.


11. Al-Khâliq (The Creator)

"Allah is the Creator (Al-Khâliq), the Maker of Perfect Harmony (Al-Bârî'), the Shaper of Unique Beauty (Al-Musawwir)..." (59:24).

One may think that the qualities manifest in the Creator, the Maker of Perfect Harmony, and the Shaper of Unique Beauty are synonymous and that each one is derived from the act of creating and bringing into being. But this is not so. The fact of the matter is that everything which emerges from non-existence into existence, first of all, requires a planning stage (the Creator), then the actual bringing into being in a harmonious order according to the plan (the Maker of Perfect Harmony), and, thirdly, the shaper of the plan through a unique beauty (the Shaper of Unique Beauty). Allah manifests the quality of the Creator in as much as He is the One who plans and determines--from nothing--without any model. He establishes and defines the states of things before they come into existence. This includes the conditions and sustenance for all that He creates establishing the how, when, and where creation is to take place. Everything is given goodness and wisdom from the beginning and follows an order or plan. There are no accidents. Allah neither needs the creation nor does Allah benefit from it. The reason for creation is perhaps to bear witness to Allah's eternal Will of greatness and power and to see the reflection of Allah's beauty and perfection.

Allah manifests the quality of the Maker of Perfect Harmony by bringing into being in perfect harmony not only each thing within itself but with each and every other creature in relation to each other, as well. Everything is interconnected. When one part of the cycle is effected, all parts are effected because the function of one thing depends on the function of the others.

Allah manifests the quality of the Shaper of Unique Beauty in view of the fact that the originations are shaped in forms of unique beauty. Without model, this quality of Allah shapes everything perfectly at the same time that no two things are exactly alike in every way. Each and every creation is a choice creation reflecting Allah's infinite mercy and wisdom.


Asalamu Alaikum

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Asalamu Alaikum


As-salaam Alikum;

Jazak ALLAH khiran.


12. Al-Bâri' (the Maker of Perfect Harmony)

"Allah is the Creator (Al-Khâliq), the Maker of Perfect Harmony (Al-Bârî'), the Shaper of Unique Beauty (Al-Musawwir)..." (59:24).

One may think that the qualities manifest in the Creator, the Maker of Perfect Harmony, and the Shaper of Unique Beauty are synonymous and that each one is derived from the act of creating and bringing into being. But this is not so. The fact of the matter is that everything which emerges from non-existence into existence, first of all, requires a planning stage (the Creator), then the actual bringing into being in a harmonious order according to the plan (the Maker of Perfect Harmony), and, thirdly, the shaper of the plan through a unique beauty (the Shaper of Unique Beauty). Allah manifests the quality of the Creator in as much as He is the One who plans and determines--from nothing--without any model. He establishes and defines the states of things before they come into existence. This includes the conditions and sustenance for all that He creates establishing the how, when, and where creation is to take place. Everything is given goodness and wisdom from the beginning and follows an order or plan. There are no accidents. Allah neither needs the creation nor does Allah benefit from it. The reason for creation is perhaps to bear witness to Allah's eternal Will of greatness and power and to see the reflection of Allah's beauty and perfection.

Allah manifests the quality of the Maker of Perfect Harmony by bringing into being in perfect harmony not only each thing within itself but with each and every other creature in relation to each other, as well. Everything is interconnected. When one part of the cycle is effected, all parts are effected because the function of one thing depends on the function of the others.

Allah manifests the quality of the Shaper of Unique Beauty in view of the fact that the originations are shaped in forms of unique beauty. Without model, this quality of Allah shapes everything perfectly at the same time that no two things are exactly alike in every way. Each and every creation is a choice creation reflecting Allah's infinite mercy and wisdom.


13. Al-Musawwir (The Shaper of Unique Beauty)

"Allah is the Creator (Al-Khâliq), the Maker of Perfect Harmony (Al-Bârî'), the Shaper of Unique Beauty (Al-Musawwir)..." (59:24).

One may think that the qualities manifest in the Creator, the Maker of Perfect Harmony, and the Shaper of Unique Beauty are synonymous and that each one is derived from the act of creating and bringing into being. But this is not so. The fact of the matter is that everything which emerges from non-existence into existence, first of all, requires a planning stage (the Creator), then the actual bringing into being in a harmonious order according to the plan (the Maker of Perfect Harmony), and, thirdly, the shaper of the plan through a unique beauty (the Shaper of Unique Beauty). Allah manifests the quality of the Creator in as much as He is the One who plans and determines--from nothing--without any model. He establishes and defines the states of things before they come into existence. This includes the conditions and sustenance for all that He creates establishing the how, when, and where creation is to take place. Everything is given goodness and wisdom from the beginning and follows an order or plan. There are no accidents. Allah neither needs the creation nor does Allah benefit from it. The reason for creation is perhaps to bear witness to Allah's eternal Will of greatness and power and to see the reflection of Allah's beauty and perfection.

Allah manifests the quality of the Maker of Perfect Harmony by bringing into being in perfect harmony not only each thing within itself but with each and every other creature in relation to each other, as well. Everything is interconnected. When one part of the cycle is effected, all parts are effected because the function of one thing depends on the function of the others.

Allah manifests the quality of the Shaper of Unique Beauty in view of the fact that the originations are shaped in forms of unique beauty. Without model, this quality of Allah shapes everything perfectly at the same time that no two things are exactly alike in every way. Each and every creation is a choice creation reflecting Allah's infinite mercy and wisdom.


14. Al-Ghaffâr: The Forgiver

"...And I call you to the Incomparable, the Forgiver (Al-Ghaffâr )" (40:42).

The Forgiver is Allah's quality that makes manifest what is noble and hides what is disgraceful. The sins of human beings are among the disgraceful things which the Forgiver hides by covering over them in this world and disregarding their punishment in the hereafter.


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