That is an interesting but biased article Dan posted. I would like to think we arent gullible enough to simply trust whatever the Saudi officials have to say in order to defend themselves.
Interesting how the article begins with an attack on my people ie the Shi'a:
Quote:"The heretics (i.e. the Rawaafidh)used the incident as a means to fan the flames of sectarianism,
lashing out at the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia, referring to them as “Wahabis”."
I couldnt help but laugh how these people complain we fan the flames of sectarianism yet they themselves go around calling us Rawaafidh! and Heretics!. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Anyway heres my opinion on this article.
Quote:The Qatif woman was tried in a court of law and found guilty of Zinnah (in the general sense of the word). She
is a convicted Zaani (adulterer).
How easily these people manage to call the girl of Qatif an adulterer! How do they justfiy it?
Quote:"<b>Allaah has decreed for every son of Adam his share of</b>
zinaa, and there is no way to escape from it. The zinaa of the eye is a glance, the
zinaa of the tongue is speaking, and the zinaa of the mind is wishing and hoping;
then the private part either acts upon this or it does not.’” (Reported by al-
Bukhaari, 11/26; Muslim, 4/2046)."
Guys you know what WE ARE ALL CONVICTED ADULTERERS according to the "general" definition of zinaa used by the saudi courts. THis is a joke!!!!!
The crux of Call to Islams argument seems to be an admision of the woman that she was having an illegal affair. The evidence they site BBC and Arab News
Quote:The statement, which the ministry says is a response to media scrutiny of the
ruling, said that the rape victim confessed to having an illegal affair with the man
who was caught with her.
Quote:The statement, which the ministry says is a response to media scrutiny of the
ruling, said that the rape victim confessed to having an illegal affair with the man
who was caught with her.
Im not sure if the people at Call to Islam ever went to school or are simply unaware of source analysis. The only evidence they have that the woman admitted to an illegal affair is a biased statement from the ministry of justice themselves!!!! They expect the unbiased critical reader to just believe them?
Uh oh! it seems the very same source (arab news) now has another article in which the victims lawyer and the victims husband are disputing the statements claim and even going as far as complaining of defamation of the rape victim.
Quote:The lawyer and the husband reject claims by the ministry that the young woman had confessed to her moral crime. They said the judges were using witness testimony by the men who were found guilty of abducting and gang-raping not only the woman but the man she was with at the time.§ion=0&...ategory=Kingdom
All I want to say really is "Khalwa" is not the same as zinaa. I wonder where the humanity in this world has gone when a victim of gang-rape is punished and called an adulteres while the rapists are given lenient sentences.
Sort of reminds me how in the west rape victims are called whores and are blamed entirely for what happened to them.