03-20-2007, 10:00 PM
<b>Sayings of the Salaf</b>
Imaam Ath Thahabi Rahimahullah mentions in his monumental book "Seer A’alaam an Nubalaa” Vol.8 P.406 on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Al Mubaarak Rahimahullah (181H.):
“The people of knowledge and insight do not consider themselves safe from four things:
1) A past sin he committed which he does not know what Allaah will do with it (either forgive and pardon him for it or punish him with it);
2) What is left of his life, whether there is something therein waiting to destroy him;
3) A favor that Allaah bestowed upon him, perhaps it is a plot which will lead him step by step to his eventual destruction and ruin;
4) Deviance which is beautified for him so that he sees it to be guidance and in a split second, his heart can deviate and he will be stripped of his deen and he doesn't even realize it.”
البصراء لا يأمنون من أربع
مجموع من المشايخ
المرجع: سير الأعلام النبلاء 8/406
الباب: أقوال السلف
قال الأمام الذهبي رحمه الله في كتابه سير الأعلام النبلاء 8/406 عن عبد الله بن المبارك المتوفى 181ها أنه قال: "إن البصراء لا يأمنون من أربع: ذنب قد مضى لا يدري ما يصنع الرب عز وجل, وعمر قد بقى لا يدري ما فيه من الهلكة, وفضل قد أعطى العبد مكرا و استدراجا, و ضلالة قد زينت يراها هدى و زيغ قلب ساعة فقد يسلب المرء دينه ولا يسعر."
المترجم: أبو الزبير شديد محمد