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A Saudi Woman

This is a factual account of an incident that happened

during the last week of Ramadan at the Al Faisaliah

Tower Mall in Riyadh.

"A group of young Saudi women were walking within the

mall. One of them, although draped in a black Abaya

(outer garment) was openly flaunting herself by

spreading it open and walking around in a manner that

is totally contrary to Islamic modesty.

She was also wearing a short dress inside that was

revealing of parts of her body which is considered

aura for women. A Mutawwa (religious police)

approached her and spoke to her and requested her to

cover herself up properly and stop displaying herself

in such a wanton and evil manner. He spoke to her

about death and asked her what would be her plight if

death approached her now. How would she die and answer

to Allah for what she was doing.

She was arrogant and took out her mobile phone from

her handbag and offered it to him and said "Call your

God and ask Him to speak to me".

The Mutawwa was shocked and amazed at this response

from a Saudi Arabian Muslim woman. He simply uttered,

"Hasbun Allahi wa Nimal Wakeel" three times, said

"Astaghfir Allah" and walked away.

The woman started to walk away too. In not even more

than five minutes after this conversation she slipped

on the marbled surface of the mall floor, and fell,

passed excrement from her body, and died. Inna lillahi

wa inna ilaihi Rajioon! (Truly! To Allaah we belong

and truly, to Him we shall return.)"

Subhana Allaah!

The story has been corroborated by the Security Guards

who were present at the mall whom we spoke to in order

to verify the incident.

From: Shaikh Abdul Gafoor

Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 5:19 AM


Sobhan Allah, if only we always remember that death can come any time. Sobhan Allah, if one who just lies remember that he can die immeidately, and in such case what would be the last thing he was doing, lying. La ilah ilallah. May Allah Support us all to remember Him, Praise Him and to excell in worshiping Him. ameen

اللهم اعنا على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك

wooahh..... i feel like laughing and inserting a smiley but disrespectful.. so im not but it is funny though

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