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Old movie


Let me explain more, it is like a small compartment that is placed on top of the camel hump for the women to ride in.

About the storm thing, I was trying to quote Dan he has a special statement about it. May be tomorrow Insh a Allah I will look for it.



Assalamo Alikum.

i've seen this movie more than 15 times, it was one of the reasons that attracted my wife to Islam Alhamdulelah. but i have a question!!

i was listening to a lecture by Shaikh named Muhammad Syed Adly , and he was talking about the movie called 'The Passion of Christ' He said that we Muslims are not allowed to watch this movie for certain reasons. one of them is that Music is forbidden in Islam. and he said it doesnt matter in what form you are listening to this music whether on CD or in a movie etc... but "the message" have got music also!! so the question arise here is, is watching "the message" is also forbidden because of its music ?

some opinions please



You can listen to this lecture here:



as salam alykom

I understand what u r saying Wael, i think we discussed passion of Christ issue before. The problem is for ex Egyptian directors insist on adding music to religious movies to ensure profit i think like Shaima-a i think it is one of the best religious movies, still has some scenes like Radiyah said and music as well I am not even sure how ture it is that the Messenger's lacatation sister did sing in public

Allah u a`lam


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