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Salam Alaikum. I have just simple question, is watching some movies haram? For example, I watched The Lords Of Rings but I think this shirk movie, i dont knew that movie had shirk scenary...Is this movie shirk or not, any yet watch it?wassalam
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03-03-2005, 10:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2005, 10:40 PM by KeePtHeFaitH.)
I think I should stop to ask islamic questions.No one is here to reply anythink.Or its me the problem here.I think the nafs coming before tableg...wassalam
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03-04-2005, 01:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2005, 01:53 PM by KeePtHeFaitH.)
Wassalam. YeS I m the Problem human for humanworld....everyhwhere and everytime...
I dont like love movies and storys anymore, Love doesnt have pleace in my heart. This DNA is cutted out from me from ..... .......................... .
I wanna see movies with much blood and scaring.
My interest of listen is also changed, I dont listen nasheeds or song of folks. I listen some specialy musics now, withoutz songs...What I only listen is sometimes Quran but some not all. these reciters what I like to listen.
I dont know why I stil live, for what...when I dont can do thinks what Allah swt will from me anymore...
BTW: where is NZ?
JazzakallahuKhayr and Jum'aa mobarak to you tooo...wassalam fiii amanlillah...
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NZ=New Zealand
InshaAllah this will cheer you up
<b>Remember Just Remember</b>
<b>When things are down</b>
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.
When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.
When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.
When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember
Allah Sees it all.
When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.
When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.
When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.
When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.
When your all alone
And your pain has no end
Remember just remember
Allah is your Friend.
And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.
smile is sadaqa so smile:) & remember Allah is always with us no matter what happens
Posts: 69
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Joined: Nov 2004
03-09-2005, 04:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2005, 05:24 PM by KeePtHeFaitH.)
Wassalam.Jazzakallahukhayr sister ofr reply and also for the nice and true Poem you put.
This is 2th poem some1 wrote to me at board. The firts Poem was at islamicity board and was very insult poem to me.
Its true Allah swt is enought for everythink.
About smile, I smiled and smile still sometimes to some1 then I feel me sad after my smile.
You may dont know me, I wonder everytime when some1 reply me here at this baord again...
But whatever JazzakallahuKhayr.Wassalam
Here is a specialy smile to Brother Islam and sis Muslimah... [img]style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]