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About the Noble Quran


Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, King of the Kings Owner of Skies and earth and what is between, peace and prayers be upon His final Messenger and prophet Mohamed and all other messengers and prophets.

Insh a Allah we are going to move back and elaborate on the Ayah of evil and good due to its major importance since as we observed it stands as criterion for us to fit as the best Ummah among people. Plus it is being a criterion for our Duas to be accepted and granted

Alhamdulelah for being a native Arabic speaker and I wanted to tap on this privilege may Allah maintain it upon us.

<b>كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ

Kuntum khayra 'ummatin 'ukhrijat lilnnāsi ta'murūna bil-Ma`rūfi wa tanhawna `ani al-Munkari wa tu'uminūna billāhi wa law 'Āmana 'ahlu al-Kitābi lakāna khayrāan lahum minhumu al-Mu'uminūna wa 'aktharuhumu al-Fāsiqūna.

The translation of the meaning, although brought the best a translator can do, yet it didn’t really convey the core, the in depth sense of the words. Insh a Allah I will try my best seeking Allah’s close guidance to explain them.

In this context, we have two sides of the issue to address: a. the implication of the word amr, b. the implication of the word nahy (derivative of tanhawna), this is one side the other side is: a. ma`ruf and b. munkar.

Those words are the main issue on this noble Ayah that we must very well realize in order to be able to apply and gain the major, or better say mega benefit.

The Ayah starts with the verb: taamoroun. In the translation it says enjoin. It is more than this. Taamoroun is derived from amr = order, command, charge, direct, demand, talk others into but in a strict manner, talk oneself into in a strict manner, diffuse, spread, call for, …etc. In other words, it is more than simply enjoining, it is a vast act with a deep meaning. Allah Used this word to convey the significance of this act as well as its necessity at the same time. Again using such word serves in a two – way manner, to let the doer understand how important it is to carry on this mission, while making the recipient comprehend what the other party is doing as essential. However, Allah Said give order, diffuse, call for… but didn’t say compel, push, frustrate, keep saying, insist. Please note the difference. Although we are encouraged to command and give order to follow the correct path, obey, do good, listen to Allah’s commands (marouf), we are not supposed to push others to do it, we just command and order and then let go, we are not even supposed to follow up in order to ensure the other party’s response.

The word marouf is not simply good, it is much much much more than this, let me try and quote a number of examples to positions where Allah Used this word:

<b>But if the killer is forgiven </b>

by the brother of the killed

against (payment of) blood money,

then adhering to it with fairness

and payment of the blood money,

to the heir should be made in fairness. 2:178


It is prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you, if he leaves wealth, that he make a bequest to parents and next of kin, according to reasonable manners. (This is) a duty upon muttaqun (the pious). 2:180

<b>And when you have divorced women and they have fulfilled the term of their prescribed period, do not prevent them from marrying their (former) husbands, if they mutually agree on reasonable basis 2:232</b>

I would say it is more than reasonable, it bears the sense of kindness, softness, easiness,

At the same time, Allah Did not use Marouf haphazardly, but actually it works both ways. I mean because Allah Commands us to give orders, commands…etc of doing marouf, simultaneously Allah Is reminding us to do this using an approach of marouf. One of the meanings of marouf is: what is known, the prevailing, the established tradition. We can thus, derive, that Allah Is telling us to command ourselves and others of applying what is already known, established, perceived as traditionally acceptable. If we think deeper, we will realise that through using this word, Allah Is Explaining much, explaining that what is traditionally acceptable is what we should follow and this will certainly equal what is Halal in every aspect of our life and death. In another implication, we use this word in Arabic to convey the meaning of doing a favor. Thus, if we do apply this meaning as well, we can even institute a deeper meaning here, is that by commanding others to do follow marouf, we are doing them a favor manifested in helping them, reminding them, alerting them to come back to the correct path.



And what is nahy which is the command verb of the conjugation included in this Ayah?

I will just get few examples in Quran in an effort to bring it closer:

“But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires, and lusts” (Quran 79:40)

Recite (O Muhammad) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qur'an), and perform the prayer. Verily, the prayer prevents from indecent and evil deeds and the remembering (praising, etc.) of (you by) Allah (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering Him]. And Allah knows what you do. (Quran 29:45)

Have you (O Muhammad) seen him (i.e. Abu Jahl) who prevents, (Quran 96:9)

The act of nahy bears more than forbid as brought in the translation of the meanings of this noble Ayah subject to this explanation. It means : reject, tell someone off, deny, stop oneself, condemn, restrain, prevent, forbid, take away from. And when we continue the Ayah saying nahy anelmunkar. What is exactly Munkar. Munkar is what is universally unacceptable, condemned, denied, rejected, detested, hateful act, shameful act.

Now we have a wider spectrum of the picture regarding the meanings of the vocabularies used to build this Ayah. By this Ayah an essential rule is established. That is why we have to really be fully understanding, we have to dig deep and take an insightful look into the core of each and every single word. Then we put them together and allow our minds to grasp the full meaning Insh a Allah.



Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, King of the Kings Owner of Skies and earth and what is between, peace and prayers be upon His final Messenger and prophet Mohamed and all other messengers and prophets.

For more explanation on the issue of pointless talking, Allah Sobhanhu wa Ta`laa Say in Quran:

“And follow not (O man i.e., say not, or do not or witness not, etc.) that of which you have no knowledge (e.g. one's saying: "I have seen," while in fact he has not seen, or "I have heard," while he has not heard). Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you will be questioned (by Allah).” (Quran 17:36)

Still on the talking issue, if we connect the previous context with this noble Ayah, mankind is held accountable – by virtue of the above Ayah – through the hearing, sight, and heart. In order to pass this accountability as safe as possible, it becomes essential to evade pointless talk that stands as basis of course for what is heard, seen or kept in the heart. Come to think about it, pointless talk does have a major impact on the heart, it makes the heart turn heavy, inattentive, difficult to maintain dhikr, and filled with darkness. This influence extends to affect the whole body. But where does it start? It starts with indulging in or listening to pointless talk.

A reader might see that we are jumping between topics and failing to maintain a theme. However, if you take an indepth look, you will find that calling for good and forbiding evil falls under talking. That is why we saw to interrelate those posts in such order.

May Allah Accept



Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, King of the Kings and prayer and peace be upon His Messenger Mohamed, his household and companions and all other prophets and Messengers ameen.

I seek close guidance of Allah to Assist me in putting this part together Insh a Allah.

And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious.* Those who spend [in Allah's Cause - deeds of charity, alms, etc.] in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves the good-doers.

In a previous post #25:, we addressed how important it is to spend in the name of Allah during either good or bad times. Allah Followed the act of spending during good and bad times with another essential, yet, hard manner for the human being to observe. Repressing anger, this is the first stage. To repress one’s anger during situations that may trigger anger, then the second stage The second stage is to pardon, it is to derive of Allah’s Name and Attribute the All Pardon. To be capable of reminding oneself during pressuring situations and say if Allah Is the All Pardon and Allah Is the One Who Created us, why couldn’t I pardon xyz who did this or that? And the last stage, which if the person succeeded to attain shall qualify to be among those who hasten and march forth towards the previously described incomparable Jannah and we all should strive to attain - it is hard though brothers and sisters - is to do good, be kind, to the one who hurt us. The translator may Allah Reward him much called it good doers. Actually, the word is Muhsineen. I will try my best to convey the meaning. For example muhsin is derived from the verb yuhsin which is to do something for Allah but it also carries the meaning of do it in a perfect manner, in a good way, excel. You can say he/she yuhisn cooking, drawing, typing, ..etc. It means he/she is capable of doing this thing well enough. It can be also used as to give others extra. Thus, to attain this invaluable reward, you need to accomplish two acts on two totally different levels, however, both together make two aspects of the hardest process in a human life. Spending money, that is really dear to the human being, specially during hard times, this is when the real test is. And on the other hand, anger and handling anger related situations. Both issues are considered criteria of how far a human being is willing to institute Quran and certainly Allah in his/her life. Note that Allah Placed the money aspect first, then followed it with the temper aspect. If you can spend in happy, comfortable, and good times, Insh a Allah you will be able to repress anger, pardon and then be good to the one who caused the harm. Just exactly as you give charity to needy people. It is the same sense. To further clarify it, it is when you do good to someone without expecting any return from the person. Come to think about the order of encouraged acts, you will see that those aspects form the two wings of a good human society, a society that spends money in the name of Allah, helping others, lifting problems, mitigating suffering, then this same society would be supported with the trend of repressing anger, pardoning and helping, supporting, assisting even the one who harmed and hurt the individual.



Praise be to Allah the All Knowing, The Merciful, The Creator of All Creation, prayer and peace be upon Mohamed, and all Prophets and Messengers.

How many time you read this amazing book the Quran, you still discover certain points as if you never read them before, as if it is your first time, and you become amazed, astonished and really taken by the deepest of deep meanings and styles that Allah The All Knowing Put just in few words. Just with very few words Allah may He be Glorified and Exalted Challenges mankind through this book and shall continue to Challenge till the Day After.

Reading Surat ArRahman, which I don’t know how many times I read it, I stopped at a certain Ayah and thought to myself Sobhan Allah:

"He created man (Adam) from sounding <b>clay like the clay of pottery</b>
".(Quran 55:14)

In different positions of Quran, Allah explained how Allah Created Adam, I mean stages, material, etc. Allah in different positions used different terms. Non believers take this against Quran claiming that this stands as contradiction. Sobhan Allah, if only they open their minds rather than trying to pick in an illogical manner. Although many of those non believers who tried to criticize Quran, due to which, they had to read it, ended up embracing Islam.

Any way, let us stay on topic.

Allah Stated in other positions that Allah Created Adam from clay, mud, black smooth mud and other. But in this Ayah Allah Specified that Allah Created mankind from sounding clay like the clay used to make pottery. Why? Why pottery specially. Simply because pottery is the only kind of clay made items that has pores. Those pored that are similar to human skin pores even in the role they serve. Pottery pores allow the pot to sweat, ventilate..just like human skin allows us to perspire and sweat. Just in this Ayah only that Allah Brought the word fakhar which is pottery. It is not that Allah (astaghferullah) Is confused or uncertain or changes words, no but rather Allah Is the Creator of all Knowledge and Allah Knows best how and when to give this knowledge. I m sure at the time this Ayah was revealed, Muslims then were not aware of the reason why this similarity was made.

Alhamdulelah Who Has Guided us for this and if it was not for Him we wouldnt have been guided.



Praise be to Allah the All Pardon and prayer and peace be upon His final Messenger Mohamed Ibn Abdullah and all Prophets and Messengers.

As usual brothers and sisters, I was reciting the Quran a week ago, I stopped at any Ayah that I read Alhamdulelah numerous times, and as if it was the first time. It touched me deeply and triggered an incomparable interaction with the insightful phrasing. Sobaha Allah, I was very affected that the deep sense remained in my heart, unable to put it into words, either verbally or in writing for about 2 days, till a relevant chance came that I discussed it with someone.

The Ayah in Question is:

“They ask you (O Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit." <b>And they ask you what they ought to spend. Say: "That which is beyond your needs</b>.
" Thus Allah makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may give thought." (Quran 2:219)

In a previous Ayah of the same Surah another question was posed to the Messenger salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam – we are aware that such Ayahs that start with they ask you are questions from Muslims and Allah Commands the Messenger to respond saying Qol (say). “They ask you (O Muhammad) what they should spend. Say: Whatever you spend of good must be <b>for parents and kindred and orphans and the poor and the wayfarers, and whatever you do of good deeds,</b>
truly, Allah knows it well.” (Quran 2: 215).

Thus in the first question when the question was general regarding areas where one must spend money, the reply came listing down the categories put in a priority order. I mean it must be given out first to parents, then close relatives, orphans and so forth till the end of the categories. This was a direct classification to where we should spend our money. This is a mere money spending issue being explained here.

Then Allah Moved on with the sequence of the Ayahs explaining about Qital and the sacred months. Then came another question regarding drinking of alcohol and gambling. Both items involve money, one to buy and the other to fund the game in which one may win or loose money. The practice of gambling involves making revenue or spending money, so is the alcohol drink that involves spending. Allah Aimed at gradually prohibiting both items, thus explained how they both carry sin and benefit with the sin greater than the benefit. But the amazing part is after being told that one should not spend money in either activities, again the question comes alright where should we spend? In other words, advice us of a recommended channel where we can allocate our money. Allah Sobhanhu wa Ta`al in an incomparable wording Tells us say Al A`fow. The translator translated it as what is beyond the need. Yes this is of course one meaning, however, because Quran is a coherent text that no matter how much you dig still Allah Enlightens you with more meanings, Afo means pardon. Allah gave the act of pardoning others a monetary value. Like Allah Is also telling those who cannt physically spend money, if you practice pardon, this will be counted as spending money. That is why Allah succeeded it with Thus Allah makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may give thought. Actually, you can also say so that you may ponder and reflect. Indeed this Ayah and deep meaning is worth pondering and reflection. Pardoning those who hurt you is not an easy task. If we check this with other Ayahs, you will find for example:

“And let not those among you who are blessed with graces and wealth swear not to give (any sort of help) to their kinsmen, the poor, and those who left their homes for Allah's Cause. Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 24:22). Just think for a moment, this Ayah was revealed to Abu Bakr encouraging him to pardon the one who came up with the false accusation against his own daughter Aisha may Allah be pleased with her. The man came to him asking for financial help and he was reluctant to do so. The Ayah came directly telling him let them pardon and forgive, don’t they wish that Allah Forgives their sins?

How hard this is? That is why Allah gave it a monetary value. This is an option, an alternative for those who are financially incapable to practice Afow (pardon) which is highly rewarded since Allah also describes those who do saying:

“The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allah ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly): then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.


But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of happiness in the Hereafter i.e. Paradise and of a high moral character) in this world.” (Quran 41: 34-35)

In order to encourage us to strive hard to attain this level, Allah Gave it a monetary value. Because in other positions Allah encouraged the woman during divorce to pardon her rights either her or her wali, so the one who killed someone by mistake, in case the victim’s family decided to pardon the blood money. Thus, if you actually put all those Ayahs and meanings together and see how Allah in a very concise and to the point Commanded the Messenger to say instead of spending in buying alcohol drink and gambling, you might better spend by practicing pardoning, and this sign is worth pondering. It is really worth pondering in order to come up with how pardoning someone can have a monetary value. Sobhan Allah.

Alhamdulelah Who Has Guided for this and if it was not for Allah we wouldn’t have been guided.



Praise be to Allah the All Close and prayer and peace be upon His final Messenger Mohamed Ibn Abdullah and all Prophets and Messengers.

"Verily! We have seen the turning of your face (O Muhammad) towards the heavens. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qibla that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque. And wheresoever you people are, turn your faces (in prayer) in that direction. Certainly, the people who were given the Scriptures know well that that is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do." (2:144)

As usual, in many cases when I recite the Glorious Quran, certain Ayahs move and touché me deeply that I feel I interact on a different level.

When you recite the above mentioned noble Ayah, you see how carefully as usual Allah articulated the sentence to serve the desired meaning in incomparable manner. Using the verb Nara (translated as We have seen the turning of your face, I d rather use We See) in this present form is not haphazard, but rather it just derives from and builds on the Name Al Qareeb. It actually proves how Close Is Allah, it stresses the direct communication between Allah and His Messenger, but we shouldn’t take it as being restricted to the Messenger only. Allah Manifests - using this concise yet very accurate statement- how close and Knowing He can be. And yet we will never be able to realize how much is much. Please also note that responding to the wish and desire of his beloved Messenger to perform Salat facing Kaba`a, has an indication, since establishing this pre requisite became a focal point and a corener stone in Islam. Thus actually, responding to this wish had a long lasting effect and shall remain to have it till the Day After. But my core of interest here is the style of communication between Allah The Great and His Messenger salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam and every other devotee in the same situation. Allah Willed to tell us how Close, Knowing, Aware, Seeing and Wise He is. How He Realizes all what is in our hearts, aware of our inner struggles and wishes, and certainly Most Capable in no time to just respond to it very easily without incurring any burden. In a faction of a second, during Salah Allah Commanded to switch to Ka`aba. I will not elaborate why was it changed to A`qsa at the first place. This will be a totally different issue. But just ponder on the prompt response. This is what we should really learn from this Ayah.

The lesson learnt is how we must struggle to obey Allah's Commands, strive continuously to maintain a direct one to one relation with Allah, and focus on how to enrich and further coin this relation. We should do all this while being confident of Allah's Awareness, Knowledge and mostly Mercy and Capacity to fulfill at any time. Allah Is so Close to exactly Know our struggles and grievances. Work on that relation in order to gain more and more.



Praise be to Allah Creator of the Worlds, Lord of the House (Ka`ba), One Who Holds my soul in His Hands, prayer and peace be upon his final Messenger, all prophets and messengers till the Day After.

In continuation to the Qibla issue, an issue of multifaceted aspects. On the superficial it merely refers to the direction where a Muslim must face as part of the Salat rituals. I mean if one does not face Qiblah, Salat is invalid. But it has another hidden aspect that requires an insightful approach to understand. First we need to understand what is the meaning of the word Qiblah. The word Qibla means the direction where one is heading to, it is derived from Iqbal. Iqbal is when you head towards something, anything, is when you walk towards something, when you are accepting and motivated to do something willingly. Thus, the word is not restricted on merely a direction to be applied during Salat, but rather has a more in depth connotation. No wonder Allah Used this word in particular to refer to where we must direct ourselves during Salat. Combining between those two actions, is really significant. As we know, Salat is our meeting, connection, communication means with Allah. To prove this, we face the Qibla, we accept doing Salat, we are willing to look to this direction which is the direction of Allah. In other words, we admit accepting Allah's law, commands, and renew our covenant with Allah. From this, we understand that Qibla is an approach, part of the attitude, and way of life, not just a direction during Salat. Facing the direction, is a symbol to obeying Allah, and accepting full content of Islam. Let us just go back a little bit to the beginning of the set of Ayahs addressing the Qiblah issue, it starts with an essential explanation saying:

"The fools (pagans, hypocrites, and Jews) among the people will say, "What has turned them (Muslims) from their Qiblah [prayer direction (towards Jerusalem)] to which they were used to face in prayer." Say, (O Muhammad ) "To Allah belong both, east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a Straight Way." (Quran 2:142). The superficial situation is that Muslims used to perform Salat facing Ka`ba (being the house of Allah that holds special sanctity position) which changed by a divine command to Al Aqsa. The Ayah is being sarcastic of those who are mocking Muslims for changing the direction. The mock because they adopt a shallow approach towards the divine commands, they fail to take an insightful look into the implied meaning. The meaning was to validate Muslims' level of faith. That is why Allah Say To Allah belong both, east and the west. The whole universe is His. Allah Is free to command us to direct towards where Allah Pleases. To those who don’t understand, they took it as abandoning a very important symbol by shifting away from Ka`ba. They adopted a shallow approach, failed to see the inner meaning. The whole point was to see who worships the Lord of the House rather than the house. Who created the house, who is the owner of the house, not only the house, who is the owner of the whole universe? Concurrently, the situation, meaning and in depth connotation, makes us realize that the Qiblah is a way of life, an approach, methodology..etc. No wonder Allah after two Ayahs including the one we highlighted above; ends this set of Ayahs with a harsh warning to His beloved Messenger (which is in turn a warning to all of us) saying: "Verily, if you follow their desires after that which you have received of knowledge (from Allah), then indeed you will be one of the wrong-doers". Precisely". This warning makes it very explicit what exactly is the role of a Qiblah. It is the compass, the direction of one's desires, orientation and trends. Being so, it is grave for a Muslim, leave alone the Messenger salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam to follow the desires of the non Muslims. But before the warning there is an extremely deep statement.

The Ayah say: " And even if you were to bring to the People of the Scripture all the Signs, they would not follow your Qiblah (prayer direction), nor are you going to follow their Qiblah (prayer direction). And they will not follow each other's Qiblah (prayer direction). Verily, if you follow their desires after that which you have received of knowledge (from Allah), then indeed you will be one of the wrong-doers." (Quran 2:145).

It establishes a fact that is clear and evident till today. In this Ayah, Allah Is making a collective statement about people of scripture (Jews and Nazarenes), actually telling His Messenger that no matter what he does and introduces of evidences and proofs to those people that he is the Messenger and that they must follow Islam as was originally introduced to them before they corrupted their own religion (referred to here as Qiblah), still they will not accept or follow. But the statement is succeeded with stating another fact to the Messenger and certainly all Muslims then, that he will not also follow their Qiblah (trends). This makes it impossible for a Muslim to follow their suits. Again and for the 3rd time, Allah States that even among them, people of the book, will not follow each other's Qiblah (no need to re explain the meaning here). Sobhan Allah, you will not find today a Nazarene who follows Jewish approaches, trends, ..and vice versa, Jews will not follow, adopt or apply the Nazarenes way of life. If you are in a supermarket, you will simply find a Kosher corner catering for the Jewish community because they are not to follow the Nazarenes way of life concerning food. And this is just one example. Sobhan Allah, how eloquent the Quran language is, in just one word, Allah Explained a whole system of life that sustains till today. Truly, neither both groups do follow footsteps of each other. But the most important is for us to stay firm and keep this noble Ayah right in mind each and every moment. To stay firm on our Qiblah and never change direction. To observe our direction rather than running to follow their footstep.

May Allah Assist us to stay so.

Alhamdulelah and prayer and peace be upon the Messenger.



Praise be to Allah, adequate praise to His endless bounties and blessings that we can never count or identify, blessings and peace be upon his final Messenger our beloved teacher and leader Mohammad, his household, wives, and all other prophets and Messengers

Few weeks ago I was discussing an issue with a colleague, he told me that he ran into a site dedicated to discrediting the Quran and he bumped into the Ayahs saying:


"Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators." (Quran 23:14)


" "Will you call upon Ba'l (a well- known idol of his nation whom they used to worship) and forsake the Best of creators," (Quran 37:125)

According to the site, how can Muslims claim to worship only one Deity who Is Allah The One Who Is not made of parts while their Quran clearly states otherwise. They based their argument on the word Best of creators mentioned in both Ayahs. This is where the problem lied as to how come we worship only One Allah when Quran explicitly states best of creators implying there are other creators?

Sobhan Allah, if one thinks for just a moment, this noble Ayah stands actually as a challenge, miracle and strong evidence of the divinity of Quran and the issue can be easily resolved.

In this Ayah, Allah Tells us there will come a time when mankind shall manufacture things, make sculpture and others, then becomes infatuated with his own manufacture calling it creation. Take for example, Michelangelo's infamous statue of David blessing and peace be upon him, after he completed the work, he became so much infatuated with his own hand made piece that he kept asking it to speak. He felt like a creator, similar examples are numerous. On the same theme, one who in involved in fine arts (paintings specially human portrays) they turn so much attached to their work with a sense of creation. In some cases, when one is highly commending the artists work, they would say, O I feel it will speak.

The term creation is even widely used nowadays in the IT field, create a file, folder, system…etc. Leave alone the cloning trend that is growing at the present time, taking mankind to a totally new era and direction. All this, whoever is involved with it, somehow or the other do give themselves the title of creator.

Allah The All Knowing, The All Knowledgeable, The All Seeing, Knew ahead that mankind will take this position. Thus Allah Is telling us, even those you are called creators, I shall remain the best of creators. Because simply, let one of those provide the main, basic, elementary and original ingredients to do manufacture or make any of such work. Let those who are involved in cloning bring an original version of what they clone. Can they??????? Certainly not, because there is only One real Creator.



Praise be to Allah, Praise to One Who Created Skies and Earth, One Who raise skies without supporting pillars, prayer and blessings be upon the best of mankind Mohammad Ibn Abdullah, our Messenger, mentor, and leader.

I have been thinking lately on an important issue, sometimes, I get those ideas which may sound strange and odd to people. However, I thought of sharing them.

In most cases when someone escapes a definite death situation, like terminal disease, tragic accident..etc, people express sheer happiness and start communicating the story. Like imagine, xyz had terminal cancer, was fully cured, doctors were not expecting more than 3 months. But then he/she is totally cured and continue living. Xyz was in a car crash and came out intact. Anyone who sees the car expects no alive passengers. Well, if he /she didn’t die at this moment or that moment, eventually will die, after one more month, year, ten years. The end is death still. Why do people react in a such a manner to those situations? I m not really sure. I can not understand why should I be happy that someone escaped death which will eventually happen in some other time. He/she had not been granted pardon, no one will, the sentence had just been postponed. How should this be reacted to with stark happiness. On the contrary, we should think and ponder, what type of role Allah Still wants this person to play in life and the person should focus on this. It might be a message for many that Allah Is the All Capable, this incident might change the person's life, it might be a second chance from Allah for this person to reconsider. There is nothing to be happy about, but to think and ponder and reflect.

This is one point, the other point, and please bear with me. Why people react extremely to child birth. I am aware that Allah Called them "Zeenatul hayatu dunia" ornament of the world. But, just with a quick thinking. A child means responsibility to parent in terms of how will they bring up the child, they shall be asked before Allah on how they brought him/her up, what was the source of provision, what did they teach the child? Did they teach him/her how to place Allah First and foremost, or dunia. Were they able to face the challenges specially in light of our current time, leave alone that this child shall face tests and trials when they grow up, how will they handle it? will their approach be satisfactory to Allah or to themselves.?? will they be the righteous child any parent wishes to have after they depart this world? and at the end this child shall die.

If we apply the Ayah that say:

"In order that you may not be sad over matters that you fail to get, nor rejoice because of that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful boasters." (Quran 57:23)

Take child birth for example, having a child is classified under which has been given to you. It is Allah's Giving. Since Allah Sobhanhu wa Ta`ala is the All Giver, having a child is part of this giving which we should not rejoice for, as we never know what is coming along with it. I mean which type of tests, trials and responsibilities. But we should rather think on how to invest Allah's Giving rather than being busy with the item that had been given by Allah. The focus should be on how to use this gift from Allah in order to grow closer, not to be busy on how to make the child happy, like peers, buy whatever they ask for not what they really need..etc. This is major responsibility that triggers no happiness but instead thinking, pondering and planning but the type of planning is different.

On other other hand Allah is One Who Prevents, Why would I extend my hand or long for whatever Allah Prevented me? Why???!! If Allah Knows that this or that is not good, adequate or appropriate for me, would I still extend my hands and try my best to get it?? Then I would have ignored this Ayah totally and deactivated it. We should not be sad over matters that we failed to get. Why would I be? If Allah Knew that this is what I need as part of my equipment to pursue this short journey, certainly Allah Would have given it to me. It is not hard for Allah. But Allah Knows best how for each and every member of children of Adam to be best equipped for his/her given role within this Dunia.

At the end, this Ayah Sobhan Allah eloquently describes the status of a Momen (beliver). The word Momen in Arabic means more than just believer. The Arabic language of course is really rich. I will save this thought Insh a Allah for next time.

This thought might even be built on later Insh a Allah.


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