07-30-2004, 08:18 PM
Alsalam 'alaykom
The philippines was a muslim country, and christianity was forced there, in Africa they succeeded, many africans became christians who were origianally muslims. We should not keep quiet and we must do something and that is what the International comittee for defending the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad( MPBUH)
It is in Arabic I dont know whay they did not do the same in english, but it is calling for the miliard muslim to aid their prophet, because of the lies that has been propagized against him by such groups. All this because most of the muslims are ignorant of their relegion and when being faced by such groups they don't know what to answer, and some others just don't care and keep quiet, I hope that one day those miliard will all be one and all fight for their deen and defend their prophet with their own souls.
Wasalam 'alaykom wa Rahamat Allah Wa Barakatuh