05-06-2003, 07:01 PM
alhamdu li-lLahi Rabbi-l'alamien wa-shshalatu wa-ssalamu 'ala asyrafi-lAnbiya-i wa-lMursalien, wa ba'd:
a-ssalam 'alaikum wa rahmatu-lLahi wa barakatuH,
im a father of 2 daughters, married since 1997 with a marrocan. i'm planning to marry a second wife, and later insh a Allah the third and the fourth. just for the sake of sunnah.
is there any muslimah ready as a co-wive to marry me ?
anything incorrect is from me and the syaithan, while everything correct is from Allah Azza wa Jalla.
wa-lLahu 'alam bi-shshawab, wa bi-lLahi-ttaufiq wal-hidayah baraka-lLahu fiekum - wa shalla-lLahu wa-ssallamuH 'alaa Nabiyyina
Muhammad, subhanaka-lLahumma wabihamdiKa asyhadu alla Ilaha illa Anta, astaghfiruKa wa atuubuilaiK.
wa ssalam 'alaikum wa rahmatu-lLahi wa-barakatuH.