07-06-2004, 01:42 PM
<i> asalamu elykum wr wb,</i>
iam not an expert in it..but i'll try to tell u about it with my knowledge.....if i miss out any important thing please don't hesitate to pick my mistake
1- <b>Before the coming out of sun, you should read 'Fajr' Salah</b>
Then it is good if you recite Holy Quran & recite ayah's. This is because when you start the day with the blessing from Allah, your whole day will be blessed (insha allah)
2- <b>Then comes the time of Zuhr Salah</b>, some people are either at work or in School, colleges or Universities. Try to make a place where you can offer the prayer
Oh yes, i've heard that between Zuhr & Asar times, if you pray for anything with a pure heart, Allah will accept your prayer(subhan allah)
3- <b>Then comes the Asar salah</b>, at that time some people come home & some are still at work. Wherever you are, you should pray
4- <b>Then is the Magrib salah</b>, that time almost all the people are at homes, so that will be easier for a person to pray
5- <b>Then comes the Isha salah</b>
---------> <b>Between the prayers</b>, it's your wish if you want to recite Quran, do the 'tasbeeh' of Allah or give darood to Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)
---------> <b>There is a time between Isha & Fajr prayer</b>, when Allah says is the suitable time to ask for forgiveness or anything ........<i>subhan allah, that time with ALL your worries & work at rest, your mind & heart work together for the LOVE of Allah </i>