05-30-2004, 09:48 AM
Quote:Salam all,as salam alykom Wel_mel
i totally disagree, because not all Jews and Christians are helpless or bad people. of course among them are some who are sincere. The Qur'an explained: that \" <b>If only the people of the Book had faith</b>, it were best for them, AMONG THEM ARE SOME HAVE FAITH, but most of them are perverted transgressors. 3:110
I think u r confused about this point, "<b>some who are sincere</b>" try to look it again. Sincere in what? sincere about what?????? re read the ayah u posted again with more insight.
The issue here is not to judge who is good or bad, but we can not take them supporter over Muslims, or friends and I think we discussed this before, we can only deal with them in a kind manner, I know what u r getting to, is that our behaviour with them leads them to Islam and that many of them lean towards Islam, ok we treat them kindly, respect them as long as they dont trangress. Who has good in him or bad is known only to Allah, but still we can not expct help from them in a war. Hope this cleared the point.
To Radiyah. If I am not mistaken an Ayah say:
إن تنصروا الله ينصركم ويثبت أقدامكم
best translated as if u grant Allah victory, in an implication of course to supporting His deen, observing His rules, fighting against His enemies and so forth not physically support or help Allah, certainly He does not need us.