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~Picture of the place where Jesus[as] is to descend~

BisMillah Arrahman Arraheem,

Jesus Return time is not established and Canot be pinpointed. But the Prophet SAW gave many signs that will preceed his return, that is -as the brothers and sisters indicated- will be the time of the Mahdi Alaihi Aslam, and the era of the Dajjal. his place is exactly near the place Intiution indicated near the White Minaret of The Ummawi Mosque East damascus. However the Prophet did Physically describe him as he will have long Hair, that flows past his shoulders, and he looks in mid 30's because he was taken into the skies as (Middle Aged)-Kahlan- and this is between 33-35 years of age approximately, he will look very handsome man with beautifull smell and his hair would look like as if it is wet, and pearls or something like will fell from his hair. He is white man and is alittle bit Muscular, not too tall or too short a man!. The Time of the dajjal will be prceded by the Opening of Baytul Maqdis and fight of Jews that will happen in an earlier stage which might vary from a week to months as far as my refrence is correct, the Dajjal would have appeared like 40 days only and during the fourty days he will be dominating everywhere but Makkah and Madinah Cities which will have angels on top of every mountain and will bann him and his followers from entering the Cities, he will build his castle near a red Hill anybody can see now if he travels near Taef area close to makkah ....... The Dajjal will be Killed by Jesus PBUH and will die by himself, but Jesus will hit him with his dagger after the Prayers behind the Mahdi which has a story summarized by the fact that The Islamic nation is blessed to have themselves lead themselves as Immams for prayer, which he would not breach for this nation as it orders with Marrof and banns Monkar!!!! Alhamdolillah!

Many references Talk about the time after 1981 is the last sign to signal Jesus's upcoming which was prophesized by the Prophet back 1400 years ago that sometime in ramadan month there will be two eclipses of the Sun and the moon together will happen in the same month. This Prophecy did not seem to happen physically, but it really did happen on ramadan 1981, when the 11th and the 14th of the month had the first Eclipses and then the 26th and the 29th of the same month the same phenomina repeated matching the Prophecy of the Prophet PBUH. By the Way ramadan 1981 was the begining of the 14th hijri Century..... And Allah knows best and most.

The eclypsis of the month is indicated by the prophet as a sign that too much adultery is being comitted in Islamic lands, last 15 years did indicate that solar and lunar eclipses happened more than anytime ever in History and we all know that the signs of end times as the Prophet SAW foretold is the Increase in adultery and Fusq(Zina:Illegal Marital relations between males and females) which is taking part much in many Arabic TV stations now, La Hawla wala Quwwata Illa Billah!!!...last Lunar eclips in Middle east was 3 weeks ago, which was not expected to have happened this time!!!!

So Allah Knows best,but all what we can see is that events coming up everyday match what the prophet have foretold which indicates we are going on the right era of time that there will be major social dmoralization....

I am sorry to have been redundant, I thought Id share with you about this issue which am praying to live up to it....

MayAllah Bless All Moslems everywhere with Jannah.I ask allah Forgivness for all of our sins!!



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~Picture of the place where Jesus[as] is to descend~ - by Abohamza30 - 05-26-2004, 09:44 AM

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