05-22-2004, 02:25 PM
Thank you , Deen.
What this thread is meant for is not prove the Quran through Science, but to discuss the rational of Quranic Verses in foretelling scientific facts science have already proved.to make this clear I will give example: The prophet had many miracles, he used them to convince people with his message and The Animals guided people to his place and spoke in his time, which is an evidenced and authentic story that the prophet used to ADD to people's believes and to STRENGTHEN it as follow:
An old Beduin used to live outside Madina City was crusing with his animals into the desert, it happened and he faced a wolf that attacked one of his sheeps, he then stoned the wolf and got him away from his animal, The wolf spoke Immediately:Dont You Fear Allah??, you're preventing me from food that allah led to me???? the Shepherd was amazed: OH My God!! a wolf speaking me???? the wolf answered ,Furtherly, and do you know whats more amazing than this??? old man!!! go to Madinah City, Mohammad Son Of Abdullah is teaching people words of Allah!!!!! The man went to Madina and asked about Mohammad, the prophet that time had this man's story with him and knew what is already going to happen from Gabrael, the man entered the mosque, and before he say anything, the Prophet called him by His name-without knowing him from before- and Asked him to tell Moslems what he saw and heared from the wolf!!! This story is evidenced and witnessed by many people though niether Mohammad PBUH nor the shephered knew each other from before. Does this makes difference to you? Moslems believe in Mohammad and trust him 1000000% but the story made them all say La Ilaha Illa Allah!!!!..... this is it.... To strengthen and to show the power of Quraan and its verses!!! and it is meant to communicate this to others...no matter how simple it is!!!!!
So, this is to help others know about islam and what is on Quraan beside its language which is hard to figure by some Arabs though! And absolutely is not meant to prove Quraan By science. Quran is the Infallible word of God and is a miracle in itself, no corruption have ever succeeded to touch its words far or near...... But your point is correct if we are trying to experiment the verses and apply them to earthly standards of science, and No this is not what this thread is meant for, Sister
Thanks for your input.