04-18-2003, 08:59 PM
[u:a5cd92bcbf][b:a5cd92bcbf]What is not Written in the Bible[/b:a5cd92bcbf][/u:a5cd92bcbf]
Bible, unlike Qur’aan does not throw any reflection on the various phenomenon
of nature. Bible does not deal with human life as a whole. Bible falls much short of
while dealing with problems of body, mind and soul the composite parts of human
personality. Bible does not deal with the subjects like economy and problems of
family and society, astronomy, astro-physics, embryology, human reproduction,
animal and vegetable kingdoms, geology, meteorology, formation of heavens and the
earth and also about the creation of the universe and nature at large. Unlike the
Qur’aan, Bible is much limited in scope and also in the number of subjects that are
mentioned in it.
[u:a5cd92bcbf][b:a5cd92bcbf]Bible Contradicts Itself[/b:a5cd92bcbf][/u:a5cd92bcbf]
Bible is not consistent with itself. It contradicts itself at hundreds of places. Bible
commences with the first Book of Genesis. It is the first of the 66 Books of Bible. It
deals with the creation of the universe by One and the only One Almighty GOD who
is Omni-present, Omni-potent and Omniscient. Regretfully, Bible ends up with the
Books of Paul and of others which give the concept of Trinity”, “The son of god” and
“The begotten son” etc. The Bible commences with ONE GOD and ends up with three
gods. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Other confusing, illogical, mysterious
and false theories are “Original Sin”, “Three in One and One in Three”, “God made
Flesh”, “Sin And Atonement”, “Jesus died for your sins”, “Redemption”,
“Resurrection” and “Bread as Jesus’s Flesh and Wine as his Blood”, “For the wages of
sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”, “Death
through Adam, life through Christ,” “Righteousness through faith”, “Dead to sin, alive
in Christ,” and “one body, many parts”, “God made in flesh,” “Bread as flesh of Jesus
and wine as blood of Jesus,” “Jesus is Alpha and Omega”, “Jesus is Saviour,” “Jesus
now sits on the right side of GOD’s throne of Majesty,” “Salvation through grace of
Jesus etc.” etc. All these notions have come in Christianity either through ignorance
or through the over enthusiasm in the praise of Jesus - however much misplaced they
may be. All those false notions and catchy phrases have penetrated into Jesus’s
original Christianity. They were never ever uttered during the times of Jesus. These
catchy slogans have been introduced into Christianity only to trap the innocent and
simple folks into Christianity.