05-08-2004, 07:36 AM
I Appreciate your support very much.
May Allah give you Jannah in hereafter.
I thought you were American because I know many americans do not expect apologies and they do not do often,maybe unless they know it is totally a big mistacke, like the events of Abu ghraib fore xample, they apologized!! a very good attitude!!
Serien is my only child. I Asked Allah in Makkah to create her finely-when she was an embroy- and keep her finely ingrained with Quran .The first has come true and am sure that Allah subhanaho wAta3ala always keep his promise. (Hamd)
Regarding the Miracles of The Quran, I have to gather as much information as I can and keep things structured within the thread.
Have a good day.