04-28-2004, 10:55 PM
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
Quote:Asslat wasslam 3la Rasul Allah.Sister, When you dont have anything to face a Tanker or Apachie Chopper, you are allowed to use whatever to fend ur home,kids and wife. No matter, If Bin Baz did fatwa that is suicide bombing is Haram or Halal, It is the most understandable Language this Cancer-Israel- Understands and is the most painfull method for them. So, We loose many Kids and men everyday, why not they loose more? and I reall disagree blowing buses full of WOMMEN and Kids, no matter if they are zionists, killers I dont favor it ,myself, and is not just as Far as I know. Blowing any Millitary, Defence or MAN target is acceptable, but busses full of wommen and kids is unjust in my openion: Remember All moslem leaders and Mohammad (SAAW) ordered troops when they went for Jihad to: Not Kill a Womman, Not Kill a Child, or an elderly, Not kill a Bird or cut a tree and Not enter a Church or a temple before asking its residents for permission and stories are plentifull that we should be Our Morals when in war, even in worst conditions. Id appreciate it if you adress the Bin Baz Tahreem Fatwa next time you post here and May allah reward you with Jannah Inshallah.And did I say anything different than that brother Abu hamza, none of us favours children and women to die, but do palestinians have any other chance, when the muslim world and arab world just sitting doing nothing, I don't think they will care for fatwa from any1, and only Allah alone knows the intention of each person, and only Allah knows who is entering Jannah and who is not. and this is why I started this thread, because some of our sisters and brothers are affirming that suicide bombers in palestine are going to hell and it is not jihad, so I hope they will learn more and search for more fatwas.
and about the tahreem fatwa, it was by IBN UTHAYMEEN, I am sorry I am mistaken, BINBAZ did not say it was haram, accept my apologies and thanku
for your concern.
this is the fatwa by BINBAZ
And this is the fatwa of BIN UTHAYMEEN that says it is haram.
I put this before on my first post. And sorry again for this mistake.