04-28-2004, 02:36 AM
Quote: I know I haven't written in a while, but school has been very busy! Have no fear, I have more questionsWelcome Back. and i will try my best Inshaa Allah to answer your questions.
Quote:1.) If you were to convert me to Islam, what would be your claim that Islam is the true religion and Christianity is not? What kind of historical or physical evidence is there that proves Islam is the religion that God created and that Christianity is not. (please dont use faith as a major reason, I understand that , but I want to know historical or physical evidence please )this question forces me to explain what is the meaning of Islam and what is the meaning of Christianity. so you will automaticlly realize which one suppose to be true and which one is man-made.
Christianity: you will never ever find it mention ONCE in the Bible. you will never find any verse in the Bible where Jesus peace be upon him said to his followers that your religion is Christianity. so how come God Almighty doesnt give any title to his religion? but because Jesus was the Christ , THE PEOPLE used the word Christianity after he disappeared. so its man-made and not God's.
Islam: Arabic term which means submission/surrendering/obedience to the will of One true God, who created everything. so whoever submit himself to God's will we simply call him a Muslim in Arabic Language. "i.e when the baby come out from his mother's womb obaying God's order and time, what is it ? its a Muslim.. " when Jesus Christ peace be upon him said more than one time in the Bible that he was sent to to fulfill the laws of God, and to seek the Lord's will, what is it ? its a Muslim too. when all prophets were spreading God's words according to the commandments given to them from their Lord, what is it ? its a Muslim as well. but all of them came in different time and they spoke different languages. the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him spoke the language of Arabic, so submit or surrender in Arabic means a MUSLIM. and we hope that you will be among those who submit themselves to the will of God Almighty.
i also believe that my brothers and sisters in this board can explain better than me, but anyway, you can also check this website, it shows some Miracles found in the Holy Qur'an. the Book of Islam. www.islam-guide.com hope you enjoy.
Quote:2.) Which is more important? Converting an athesist or converting a christian? (converting to Islam) (I can explain my opinion and reason when you respond)both are important Kate, but for me its more EASIER to invite a Christian to Islam, because we have alot of common beliefs such as, we both believe that Jesus is the Christ, that he gives life to the dead by God's permission and heal those who born blined and the lepers by God's permission, that he born miraculously etc etc... so its more easy to take them one more step forward which is believing in the final messenger of God who was Muhammad peace be upon him.. also God tells us in the Qur'an chapter 5 verse 82 that:
- Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, we are Christians: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.
Quote:3.) Do you think that it is hypocritical of a person to be a religion because their parents are and they only do it out of tradition? For example, do you think that a person who honestly believes in God and trusts in him, but is only Catholic because their parents are and they dont take the time to research or ask or study other religions is a hypocrite?Subhan Allah Kate, you are saying EXACTLY what God Almighty said in the Qur'an, and that is also what happened when i asked my wife why are you a catholic, she said: because my mother and my father are also catholic. check these verses out:
5:104 - When it is said to them: come to what God hath revealed; come to the apostle: they say: enough for us are the ways we found our fathers following. what even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance?
31:21 - When they are told to follow the (Revelation) that God has sent down, they say: nay, we shall follow the ways that we found our fathers (following). What even if it is Satan beckoning them to the Penalty of the (Blazing) Fire?
so i dont call it hypocrite Kate, i rather call it lack of informations about God's right path.
i hope this answer your questions and i believe that other brothers and sisters can give you more.
So lastly May Allah "God Almighty" show you and us the right path, and May He protect you from Satan. Ameen
waiting for more questions