04-22-2004, 04:02 AM
I have been hearing about the three stages of the soul alot lately and i was wondering if anyone who knows more about it can tell me.. here's what i have heard thus far...
the three stages are:
<b>1] Nafs Ammarah</b> : this is the soul at the very lowest stage. it is prone to evil and is described as animalistic...
<i>(i forgot the quranic reference for this can someone please tell me if they know....</i>
<b>2] Nafs Lawwammah</b> : this is the self reproaching soul. It is where the person has an awareness of wrong and right and would reproach himself/herself if he has done wrong or is inclined to do wrong.
<i>(quran suratul qiyamah: 2</i>
<b>3] Nafs Mutmainnah</b>: this is the soul that has gained excellence.
<i>(quran suratul fajr: 27)</i>
This is as much as i know can anyone please tell me if they know more on this topic...
Jazaakumullah khairan