04-12-2004, 07:45 PM
Salam brother dan, I am sorry for putting his name as alexander the great, I know I shouldn't, greatness is only for Allah, he has another name called alexander the maqdony, and for sure he is the same one, and many scholars assure it is the same one mentioned in Quran, and that all those myths or stories about him that he worshiped Gods is not true, and Allah knows best, there is one woman scholar who made a reasearch about the verses in the Quran and from it's translation she reached that it is the same alexander. some1 of my family has the book, I will aske for it and translate it by will of Allah, and I will ask more scholars to affirm it. May Allah forgive me if I am mistaken, and no, no offence insha'Allah, we are here to learn from each other, and if one is mistaken he must admit his mistake, we are humans, and who of us is without guilt.
Wasalam a'laykom wa rahmat Allah.