04-06-2004, 06:21 AM
Asalamalaykum sister Maey & Muslimah
Alhamdulilah Indeed!
There is so much that we should be thankful for, Allahs love and mercy are so magnificent beyond words can explain, and all the blessings he bestowed up on us are so beautiful.
Everyday I am so grateful that Allah made me a muslim. That I am not disabled, That I am healthy, that I have a tongue that I can speak with. 2 Legs that will take me just about anywhere i wanna be.
I've seen people, who don't have legs, who can't talk. We didn't do any efforts to be so blessed. Allah gave us so much, and those he didn't give what we have, HE didn't do that because he's punishing them, it's a reminder for them to see what Allah is capable of, and for us with sight, health, and everything to remember and remind ourselves always that Allah can take everything away from us, just like the way he created so many people disabled.
I am so awed, Allah is indeed ONE and the Most-Powerful
Allahu akbar!