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Challenges of a new Muslim

Assalam Alaikum

i read this post and felt that it was written just to suppport me in my struggle of converting from being Catholic to Islam. It is very hard to stay "focused" on an Islamic way of life when you do live a non-islamic community. As for the family part, that is my hardest struggle in this. I am trying my best, inshallah, to do what is right. I have been Muslim since august of 2003, so i am very new to islam, and still learning, and never want to stop learning, inshallah. I have heard that it is better to be a learner than a learned. This forum has given my hope in my search for the truth.



Messages In This Thread
Challenges of a new Muslim - by Muslimah - 03-04-2004, 01:13 PM
Challenges of a new Muslim - by clw366 - 03-15-2004, 01:13 AM

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