02-13-2004, 03:14 PM
I have a question about the need to make women cover up. In all the answers to this type of question that Ihave read on this forum and elsewhere, the reason given is that if they do not cover up men may be tempted and sin. This to me seems a particularly strange use of logic and its inconsisitency can easily be seen if applied in other areas of life. So...
if women must ocver up beacuse men may be tempted to sin then...
Shops should have no displays lest people be tempted to steal from them,
Houses should have no windows because one might be tempted by what is inside them and desire to steal from them
Small, frail men should cover up lest dominating women be tempted to take advantage of them.
Farmyard animals should wear the burkha lest lonely, despearate men become tempted to take advantage of them.
Now I realise that these sound silly, but they are, I think, an application of the same logic which forces women to cover up. So if you do not apply that logic to all areas of potential temptation why apply it to women only?