01-21-2004, 01:26 PM
Quote:<i>Originally posted by SisterJennifer </i><b></b>This argument is so tired! It doesn't matter that the cross is not a religious obligation. The fact that it isn't, stands to reason that those who wish to wear them could very well feel stronger about them than some muslims and their hijab(who wear it my requirement). It's quite assumptive of this author to lower the importance of a cross on someone's neck. And frankly, after seeing this same sort of posting on this site, it's a bit offensive.
\"Unlike a cross, which is not an obligation for Christians to wear, hijabs, yarmulkes and turbans are not \"symbols\" that can be removed without abandoning religious responsibilities. Rather, hijab is a religious obligation and for many French women, any ban on a woman's right to freely exercise her faith by wearing hijab may be seen as an indirect prohibition on Islam in France...
When are the islamic represenatives going to stand up for christianity as well? Or is this only to draw light that it's a "prohibition on islam", not a prohibition on all religions?