12-27-2003, 01:26 PM
Wa aleikum salam
I'm not judging you sister AstaghfirAllah. All judgement is for Allah subhana wa tala. And as for the kuffar Allah subhana wa tala informs us of them. And may Allah tala guide them.
I posted the saying of Umar radiallah anhu as a reminder, of how the sahaaba viewed things. I have no problem with non muslims discussing our religion and like you said we have nothing to hide.
Who doesn't want to do dawa'a? Wouldn't we all like to have on the day of iqamah a muslim that we encouraged to Islam? SubhanAllah yes Inshallah.
But that doesn't mean that we should tolerate their insults. And as Umar radiaallah anhu said: we judge by the apparent so from those we bad we say he is bad even if he was to swear his intention is good.
Just because someone is a kafir doesn't mean he is coming here with a good intention and if we see bad from him (attacking islam constantly with no valid argument) we assume he is bad and we stop him, even if he was to swear his intention is good. There is a difference between debating and insulting. They really test your patience. And i don't class someone attacking Islam as points for discussion, as you mentioned. Maybe we have to agree to disagree on this one AllahuAlim.
And as you said Alhamduillah we are satisfied with our religion.