08-06-2003, 02:53 AM
I pray Allah (swt) bless me to say what is right.
When a jew was among the jews, they loved him, and loved his father, they said he is the best of the best, and from the family of the best.
When he the son reverted back to islam (the true ways of worship), the jews said he is the worst of the worst and comes from the worst of the worst.
These people who Allah left astray, could not admit, that he was blessed with the truth, which they were not blessed with.
When someone wants to commit sins, be lazy, act up, and be what they want, (instead of on their best behaviour---they would stay away from good---to do what makes them comfortable).
I have non-muslim relatives who love me very much and even more, because I now let them be who they are. It was not always like that, I use to tell them Allah will forgive them of their sins and guide them to salvation, but they hated the truth or couldn't handle the truth.
NOw, I let them be, they come around or ask me to come more often, I won't allow them to sidetrack me no matter their lifestyles, sometimes they mock at me, but I set them straight in a more pleasant manner, then before. they give me the upper respect or I leave, and they know that. they are pretty good people anyway, mashaa'llah.
And it's really boils down to the lifestyle of the individual.
Kinth and kin, they have rights, and so do you, but they can't handle the light that shines from you (islam).
Most people only be around those who can make them feel better, comfortable, and they can feel free to curse, eat pork and pick on each other, (if they want) smoke their cigarettes, and what ever else they might do, that will disturb a muslim's home.
No non-muslim, can feel their best in the presence of a real muslim.
some feel ashamed, or embarrassed.
Insha'llah, never take it personally, and just be there and be kind whenever they do come. We can only ask Allah (swt) to guide them.
I pray I stated what was right.
As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmantu'llahi wa barakatu!